10 things I love…… about being a mum!

Good Morning

(Or afternoon or evening depending on when your reading)

I thought I would start a brand new series here on the blog.

10 Things I love……

This edition after trying to find positives in an otherwise shitty day I looked at all the things I loved about being a Mum to the children who had in one way or another contributed to my shitty day.

So here is “10 things I Love……

About being a Mum

I have to start by saying, that when I was younger despite loving my boy girl twin dolls I said I never wanted children of my own.

It was only when I found the love of my life did I decide I wanted to be a proper family. Thant included having children.

I still some days wonder what it would be like if we hadn’t had kids. however, since the second set of twins have arrived I know I am a Mum. I feel they were given to us for a reason.

  1. Smelling my babies head while I’m feeding.
  2. Playing with styles with my little girls hair.
  3. Rare hugs from my big boy.
  4. My big girl’s hugs when I feel sad.
  5. Weekend Morning snuggles.
  6. My children holding my hand while we walk.
  7. Dance interludes.
  8. Hearing them play together.
  9. Watching them sleep
  10. Helping them grow.

I could go on and on.

What are your favorite things about being a Mum??

What 10 things I love…… would you like to see next??

10 thing I love……

on Netflix?

About the seaside?

About Lanzarote?

Being a member of the WI? (Woman’s Institute)

Or any others you can think of??

I’ll be scheduling this series in once a week each Thursday Morning.

Nina x



  1. 1st February 2018 / 09:38

    This is really sweet and totally agree it’s the little things that count! #coolmumclub

  2. hampersandhiccups
    1st February 2018 / 14:04

    Now that our second baby is a bit older, I love seeing him interact with his big sister. He’ll kiss/gobble her and make her scream with delight. He then starts wailing, thinking she’s in pain. Too adorable
    Katelynn, hampersandhiccups.com

  3. 1st February 2018 / 21:27

    Oh there is so much to love about being a Mum. It’s not always easy to remember that though! Thanks for the reminder – I’d love to read about the WI!
    Thanks for linking to #coolmumclub

    • 2nd February 2018 / 15:21

      More WI posts coming soon. Especially now I’ve booked on to the annual unofficial WI camp. X

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