30 Reasons – December will pass you by in a flash!

Its already December and already I have missed a million things off my todo list already.

December is always so busy. We have three birthdays two on the same day (that’s what happens when you have twins!) An anniversary (ours – 8 years this year) As well as everything else that comes along this time of year!


There is never enough time to fit everything in! I would love to simplify this time of year but with 4 children it’s hard!

Here are 30 reasons why December runs away with you

1. Take in Xmas dinner options form to school

2. wake up at 1am Shit move the elf.

3. Attend town lights switch on

4. Wrestle children who want to go on another ride.

5. Pay over the odds for a ride that lasts about a second.

6. Line up to visit Santa

7. Reassure kids that the Santa in front of them isn’t their school caretaker.

8. Learn lines with kids for school nativity/gang show.

9. Write Xmas cards

10. Sit with kids while they write Xmas cards

11. Take over from kids when they’ve had enough of writing Christmas cards

12. Realise you’ve not bought that elusive gift yet.

13. Search every store online only to see its out of stock.

14. Panic buy a turkey as it’s already Dec 5th and they may run out before the big day.

15. Realise you have a kids birthday party to organise before Xmas

16. Shit realise it’s hubbys birthday before that.

17. Panic buy a load of tat for hubby as feeling guilty you’ve not yet bought anything

18. Go back to planning kids party

19. Visit another Santa

20. Explain that the Santa they saw before was really just a helper. And this one is, in fact, the real one.

21. Get annoyed that no one was smiling in Santa pic. In fact, one child was picking their nose.

22. Get slightly tippsy with other mums at kids birthday party.

23. Omg, tidy up after kids party.

24. Get back on to Xmas day planning

25. Get the timings all wrong on Xmas dinner. Cold Brussels & lumpy mash again then?

26. Throw away your own body weight in gift wrap

27. Weep at how your family are amazing

28. Have a snooze

29. Have a bath with all of your new smellys

30. Get sad that it’s all over and pine for next year when you promise you will plan December better & not so rushed.


Nina x


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    • 12th December 2017 / 20:26

      Ahh thankyou for featuring me in this weeks Linky. What a great place to find new blogs to read. Xx

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