Fitness Friday – 10,000 Steps & 4 pints of water?

Good Morning everyone.


I need to up the ante regarding my fitness and well-being.

If you saw Mays post ‘They weren’t all toned size 6′ you will know that I joined the Bannatynes Gym.

However I’m not really feeling motivated at Bannatynes to be honest.

I think I am going to go back to the spa after this month has finished as it just feel better there, the pool is brighter and the atmosphere is more calming!

I never got around to joining the zumba class – I was ill the first week then my anxiety was on high alert so I never got around to going!

With my emotional health in mind the spa is a better choice for me!

So to improve my emotional health & fitness I have gone back to basics – I have donned the I Watch and started tracking my steps.

We are supposed to be taking around 10,000 steps per day to be classed as active. For the past week I have only managed 5,000 per day So this is where I think I need to start.

Also water plays a vital part of our well-being we should be drinking 8 x 8oz glasses of water per day converted to pints that’s around 4 pints I think I’m drinking half of that.

I have one pint before bed and half a pint on waking. then about another pint through the day. So not bad but I do drink a lot of tea too!

As soon as I get back from my camping weekend with the girls I really need to put some exercise back into my everyday.

I’m going to be tracking my steps on my iwatch and adding yoga to my mornings again!

I will be doing a weekly post called Fitness friday here I will update you with anything I’m doing fitness wise as well as posting how many steps I’ve managed to do each day

along with my weekly post I will be on Instagram each evening with my daily steps and water consumption.  Follow me here to see how I do & If you fancy joining in post your steps with the hashtag #rfacsteps I will repost as many as I can!

I would also like to get back into watching what I eat I have joined my fitness pal Hopefully I will manage to track what I eat!

If you would like to follow me on here just click the picture.


Please leave me some words of encouragement below.

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram to check up on my daily steps.



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