Hello 2017 

Today is the last day of 2016. 

I have made many blogging friends this year. I have found confidence again in my words. And I have started developing my YouTube channel & social media presence. 

I am loving every moment of it. 

I hope that 2017 can see me calling it my job. I would love to earn a little from my hard work. 

I love writing about what is passionate to me. 

I would never blog or vlog about something that doesn’t fit with my family or that dosent quite sit right with me.

Everything I review is 100% my own views. 

Thank you all for supporting me this past year. 

I hope that next year I can connect with more of you. 

They say it takes a village to raise a child. We can develop our village online together. 

So look out for exciting vlogs, emotional blogs and more Instagram photos from me in 2017. 

See you all in 2017. 

Nina. X 


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