A Good Old English Seaside Day Out!

Last month during the Half Term we packed the car and headed out to Cleethorpes for the day.

We arrived just before lunch and parked in one of the promenade car parking bays, We unstrapped everyone from the car and headed to the cafe opposite Olivers Eatery  I orderd a cuppa and some pancakes for the kids to eat while I fed the babies.

Then after we had all been to the toilet we headed to the beach.

It was quite a nice day weather wise for February. Miss M spent quite some time searching for shells and pretty rocks. Mr J wanted to make sand angels.

It wasn’t long though before we started to feel a bit cold the drizzle started so we headed to an arcade for a warm and some shelter. Taylor made fun was a great place to spend some pocket money on the 2p machines. I love the 2p slots they really bring back good memories of caravan holidays I had with my auntie.

You cant have a trip to the seaside without 3 things The first two being Ice-cream and donuts

The kids had Ice-cream Me & the Teen had donuts from Browns

The Third thing that you have to have at the seaside is good old fish n chips.

We headed to Papas on the pier. As you approach the entrance is a revolving door and there is an entrance foyer with takeaway chips on one side. Through another door and you feel like you are heading into some posh hotel. Once in you are seated by one of the waiters.

There are chandeliers all around and a huge stage with a piano.

Dont be fooled though the prices are very reasonable and the portions are very generous.

Once we had finished our fish N Chips it was starting to get dark so we headed back to the car where I fed the babies again while looking out to the sea. Before we headed back home. The sea air must have done some good as we had only driven about a mile before everyone was asleep.

The kids said it was a brilliant day.

It was a much needed day out for us.

A sign that things are getting back to normal.

I love the seaside  I cant wait to head back.

Today March 17th See’s the start of English Tourism Week 2018.

The initiative is aimed to raise the profile and promote tourism in England. Giving  attractions,  accommodation  and destinations a way to raise their own profiles.

Head over to the Visit Britain Website for more details


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