And just like that we went from a family of 5 to a family of 7! 5 weeks in.

It’s been 5 weeks since they arrived into the world on August 30th but I just wanted to introduce our new twins, Mason & Jessica!


The journey has not been an easy one and the delivery was far from simple but they are here and healthy!

They were born by a complex CSection under general Anaesthetic, not at all what I had planned.

Weighing in at 5lb11 Baby boy M was born at 10.53am and baby girl followed a minute later at 10.54am weighing 6lb 14.

5 weeks Update –

Mason has already developed a little character and Jessica Is not far behind!  They both seem to be lifting their heads and looking around at new things.

To be honest, the past 5 weeks have been gone in a bit of a blur! I spent alot of the time ill. (birth post coming soon!)

At 5 weeks they are now in 0 – 3month clothing.

I am still recovering from my op so our days are spent slow, though we have managed to do some of the school runs and had a few outings to soft play, a party and a trip to the sure start centre to get the babies weighed.


First soft play visit 3weeks 4 days old


Getting ready to leave the hospital age 13 days old


5 weeks old

Thanks to everyone for your prayers thoughts and well wishes.

I cant tell you how much they meant to me!

And thanks to all the staff at Jessops / Hallamshire hospital, everyone was amazing!

Nina x



  1. 8th October 2017 / 19:25

    Aww! They are just adorable….
    I hope you are recovering well. x

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