A letter to my big girl starting year One!

M you have come so far in the past year. You have grown up so much that I feel I want to sprinkle you with fairy dust and keep you the age you are for ever.

You have found a love for colouring and writing and I’m so proud of how well you spell and write. ( Your writing is sometimes neater than mine!) you love to sing and give huggles.
Sometimes at night when you won’t go to sleep and Your twin brother has gone to sleep already I often tell you to snuggle in with me for a little while before daddy gets home. Sometimes your still wide awake and when he comes in your blue eyes twinkle at him and you end up having a horsey ride into your bed even though daddy has been at work all day long. (You’ve proper wrapped him around your finger)
M you are so helpful helping grandma iron & helping load the washer. You often want to help me with jobs around the house. Your helpfulness extends by being mummy’s spider catcher. You have no fear of any insects and think nothing to picking them up. Although I do wish you wouldn’t keep wanting to keep them all in jars as pets 😉
You have enjoyed joining rainbows the past year and love going. You were so proud on your first parade.
There are times that I get cross with you. It’s normally when mummy is tired or busy but I am trying to be calmer with you.
You are so excited for your baby siblings to come I hope when we’re all tired from no sleep you are still as eager to help.
I’m looking forward to seeing how you cope with year one because if the past year is anything to go by you are going to do amazing things.

Never forget how proud I am of you.

Love you loads

Mummy x
