Autumn Half Term Bucket List

It’s that time again, The run up to another School Holiday. This year our Autumn half term has two weeks instead of just one so there are even more days to collect memories. As always in order to keep the weeks running smoothly I like to have some ideas of activities for our days together. That’s why writing an Autumn Half Term Bucket list is a must.

Autumn Half term Bucket List

So here goes for our 2019 Autumn bucket list


Where will we venture out to this holiday? We don’t have any plans as such but I always like to add the seaside to my bucket list no matter what time of year. Its my favorite place to be is by the sea!

  • Seaside – A must on every bucket list
  • Pumpkin Picking Farm
  • Rufford Abbey & Park – There is a light show happening that looks really magical for all the kids.
  • Library- See read at the bottom of the post!


A trip to the cinema with the biggest twins is a must. We love these little trips its a chance for them to get a bit more time with me without the demands of the little twins. Though sometimes we also like to snuggle in the front room all together or head out to our very own cinema room for a movie afternoon.

  • Shaun The Sheep Farmageddon – Cinema Trip
  • Hotel Transylvania trilogy – We still haven’t seen the full set despite them being on our bucket list for years
  • Harry Potter – I really want to get the books for the kids for christmas but I think they are more likely to read them and follow them after seeing the films. Besides who doesn’t love Harry potter


I was such a creative person in the past but I get so frustrated with myself when the things I try and create don’t turn out perfect. However with that in mind I do try to be a little creative during the half term with the big twins.

  • I’m Sure there will be some kind of creative homework challenge for the half term so this will be at the top of our list.
  • Mini Concrete Pumpkins – I’ve seen some made using tights and really thick concrete mix so thought I might give it a go!
  • Pinterest Is full of halloween crafts that will keep us going forever but I’m going to let the kids decide what they want to make.


As a family with four kids having activities to do is a must some days. Don’t get me wrong simple family days are great too but if every day had no activities the “I’m bored” whines would soon get on your nerves.

  • Geocaching – Always on our activities list
  • Movie Afternoons – This is a given, October half term is when we start ticking off films on our christmas movie list
  • Trick Or Treating – Obviously I’m not going to get away with not going am I? I mean there is sweets to be had!
  • Mini Party – I like to give the kids a bit of a treat usually at the end of term but this year I think I’ll leave it until closer to halloween. I dont go over the top just a little buffet tea and a few decorations.


I have been very lazy of late and i’ve not really read anything other than instagram posts and blogs. I’ve listened to the kids reading their school books but no where near often enough. So this half term I aim to sit and listen to them a little more as well as reading to them. I’d love to get them into some bigger books like Harry Potter and things. I’m thinking a trip to the library is in order.

I hope this gives you a little bit of inspiration for keeping everyone amoused during the half term break.

I’d love you to recommend me some halloween days out and some books to read with the kids that will keep them engaged.

Nina x


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