Birth Plan – C Section

As I said in my last post this pregnancy is coming to an end and it looks like a planned C Section is the way these babies are destined to be born!

I can barely remember any good bits from my last Birth This time I would like to try and hold on to the good bits and block out the bits that are very clinical!

So I’m creating a bit of a birth plan to hand to the medical team so they can try and make this time round a little more positive.

Here are a few things I want on my plan!

C Section.jpg

  • Need to be able to put feet flat on the floor during insertion of spinal block. – Last time I remember my legs shaking so much because you need to arch your back but I was only able to tiptoe on the floor so it took so many attempts to get the needle in
  • If possible I would like hubby with me at the spinal block  –  Some of the above shaking was due to being scared If hubby was with me at least he could hold my hand through the process.
  • I want hubby to be able to take photos in theatre. I didn’t have any of my older twins until I was in the ward.
  • Once born could they lift over the screen to show me. I just like the idea of being able to see them straight away.
  • Would like skin to skin once born. I can’t remember having this with first two either I believe its important for bonding and well-being to get those first moments of skin to skin.
  • Photos of me two babies and hubby  Again no photos of the first set until back on the ward.
  • I would like to get up out of bed as soon as physically possible. I want to be able to go home as soon as possible and getting out of bed helps with healing.
  • I would like hubby to stay at least the first night. Due to the scar, night feeds would mean having to rely on calling the midwives  it would just make it easier if hubby was there to support that first night.

I have to go and have an injection to help form the babies lungs today and then a follow-up tomorrow. At the follow up we will discuss the Section with the midwives. I will be going over this plan with them.

Follow me on Instagram for updates on these appointments and to follow the birth story!




  1. 16th August 2017 / 14:12

    The plans sound great…I totally get the shaking so much when getting the spinal. I was the same with my girl. I think it would have been easier if my fella was there to hold my hand but it was the hospital policy to not let him in when it was been put in. The same with him staying the first night, it would have been so much easier to have him there to help. Good luck x

    • 16th August 2017 / 15:02

      Mine stayed all the wile last time. I just want to make sure he’s allowed again. If hubby is already scrubbed up. Then I can’t see why it’s an issue :-/

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