Fitness Friday.Walking, Stress & ECG

Good morning, Its time for fitness Friday again.

I missed last week due to lone parenting and school holidays – But fear not I am back this week and I now have a plan for scheduling. ( That will be another blog post)

So where am I at?

  • Well the past 2 week I’m still only averaging around 5000 steps
  • I Have been swimming twice a week.
  • I have managed more outdoor time!

Today I have the heart monitor I mentioned in the last Fitness Friday post


Funnily enough the flutters have actually calmed down a lot now – So i think it was probably the anxiety!

I am trying to make changes to my day to cut down the stress I feel and generally make me healthier.

Goals for the future! 

  • Still trying for the 10,000 steps
  • Drink more water
  • Take vitamins each day
  • Swim three times a week
  • Yoga at least 4 times a week
  • Night time meditation instead of TV

When I get back the results from this ECG (monitor) I will be creating a better plan for my physical fitness – I may try and get back into the couch to 5k. Running is so good for the feel good chemical – Dopamine and Serotonin.

Anyway that’s the update I have for you this week.img_78691.jpg

See you next week when I have my results back.

