7 Weeks of (Home)School Left!? Goals & Plans & May Updates

So today the lockdown has been eased a little bit. We can now head to our friends or families gardens as long as there is no more than 6 people. We are already a family of 6 so it looks like we aren’t going to be meeting up with anyone anytime soon. More than that though I’m not sure Im even ready to head out and socialise just yet. I mean I know life has got to return soon but lets wait until the daily numbers are at least down to double figures rather than the treble figures they are now.

We have been taking advantage of being allowed to head out for the day though. We have had some great walks and picnics in and around our local area. Is now the time to head further afield? The seaside maybe?

This is our goals and plans right up to the Summer School Holidays.

Goals & Plans June / July 2020

Home School

  • School Sent work We will be continuing to work through Maths and Phonics that school send through as its just one less thing that I have to think about creating.
  • Puffin Festival Of Dreams – 8th -14th June – We will be taking part in this festival by joining in with the competitions and watching the live streams and videos on their social sites. I think it’s so good to mix up how we learn just to keep our learning fun. Not just for the kids but for me too.
  • Mathletics – We have let mathletics slip for the past couple of weeks but hopefully we can get back on top of it this Half term.
  • Reading – I will be trying to get the kids to read on their own in an afternoon and to me just before bed.

Health, Fitness & Movement

Last month I failed to commit to my these goals but I can feel my mental health slipping back so Its going to be important to pick up some Movement again thats just for me. So I will be aiming for:

  • 3 x 20 min walks a week – On my own.
  • 2 online fitness classes a week – either yoga, pilates or zumba.
  • Cut back on junk!! I have to stop reaching for the easy options and the snacks at nap-time/ Bedtime. I had got into better eating habits at one point cutting right back on snacks. But lately Ive been reaching for the sugar, chocolate, caffeine yet again.


Yeh Last month I was positive I could get back into a routine to keep the house in some kind of order. It’s not too bad however It does feel like a constant battle to keep up with keeping everywhere clean and tidy.

So Back to the drawing board and I will try to get back into creating my Household binder.

I also want to work a bit more on our finances. Create a budget, and save a little for a rainy day.


It’s so hard to find the time and energy that I need to concentrate on work. I do a little and I have a few plans in mind for my blog & Vlogging that I want to do but for now concentrating on surviving with the kids home is my priority.

having said that I do have some work obligations.
As businesses start to open i have a little bit in the social media manager side of my work to get done. I already run a couple of things for different people and have offered bits of advise here and there So i need to get back to running their social media calendars for the next few month.

Other Adventures

Last months adventures were amazing. We had VE day and an epic festival at home. We also had a few adventures out and about. We have started Geocaching again and the kids have been loving it.

June and July have a few birthdays we would like to celebrate in one way or another. Firstly its my Mums and chris’ dads at the end of June I mean fingers crossed we may be able to celebrate together but I think we will still be social distancing by then. I think maybe we may have to have a birthday dinner with a difference.

Then It’s my Big 40 at the end of the summer term. We normally use my birthday as an excuse to have a big BBQ party in our garden. This year being my 40th I had wanted a Christmas in July Birthday party. We love Christmas. I am hoping this could be our first proper gathering so finger crossed.

I have been thinking about having a bit of a Disney at home day. I’m not sure how this will go down but I think we need a little bit of magic. I have been looking at vlogs for ideas Watch this space.

I would like to have a bit of a celebration to mark the end of the school year. Things have not been easy and not at all like I had hoped for the kids school year but that’s why I think it is important to celebrate how much we have achieved.

Will we also get chance to get some vitamin sea before the summer holidays hit? We are allowed to travel for leisure now restrictions have been eased but I also want to respect the people who live by the sea. I want to respect social distancing and it seems hoards of people are flocking to the beach. However the seaside is my happy place. The sea air. the sand in my toes. Even without the donuts and fish n chips the seaside seems to pull me in!
