I’ve always loved being creative even though I’m not the best at things. I can’t knit, or paint and I’m not great at sewing or pottery. But I love having a go. In the past I’ve made collages by ripping and sticking magazines and things to a piece of paper but then I found out about vision boarding. Since then I’ve wanted to attend a vision board workshop.
I had a bit of an intro into a vision board workshop with the lovely Marvellous Mrs P at the Blogon Bloggers event in September but it really was just a taster. I was on the lookout afterwards for a full workshop to help kick start 2020 positively! Then I came across an advert on facebook for one in Nottingham during January. I added it to my christmas list as experiences are high on my gift list since trying to simplify our home a little.
What is a Vision Board
Is it just sticking bits of magazines to a board?
Well yes and no.
Its a board full of pictures and sometimes text that represent the life you want to have. A vision of your future. It can be a powerful way to visualize and realise your goals for the year ahead. Often a vision board is linked with the power of attraction.
Law Of Attraction
A vision board is glimpse into your future life or goals. It’s said that after making one you feel more positive about things which attracts positivity and so you put yourself out there more or act more confidently which can attract more opportunities.

The Workshop
I headed to Nottingham on the train to At1 space not far from the university. The space was ideal for such a creative workshop.
To start off we had the most delicious brunch and a welcome talk by our hosts Jemma from Unconditionally nourished and Emma from Sweetpea Home & Interiors. Jemma and Emma collectively are the brains behind Escape and Create and the Vision board workshop.
Once brunch was done it was time for the workshop itself. Jemma and Emma shared how to create our vision boards and showed us their own boards.
They then guided us through a series of questions in order to get an idea of what our goals are for 2020.
After filling in our goals worksheet it was time for creativity. Flicking through magazines to find images or wording that jumps out at us then tearing or cutting them out and placing them around our board.
Once happy with our board it time to start sticking.
Even without the positivity around vision boarding the creative side is so relaxing. While you cutting out you can chat with others. I love meeting new people and getting to know their stories.
I have put my Vision Board in my kitchen so I can see it all the time. It a constant reminder to stay positive and to work hard to achieve those goals!
Now I need to start writing my birthday gift list I hear that Jemma and Emma from Escape and Create are planning a Hygge style retreat over the Autumn and if the vision boarding is anything to go by the retreat will be unmissable!
Nina x