Regardless of whether we are at school or at home, my “Morning M&Ms or Mummy’s Morning Moments” are super important, Actually, no, vital to me having any ounce of tolerance to handle chaos bursts throughout the day.
Through my healing journey, motherhood, coming out of overwhelm and striving to live a simple life, I read A LOT! I read all manner of books and blogs, I listened to podcasts and watch vlogs and one consistent thing that came up was a morning routine! So My Mummy’s Morning Moments Was created. and I love it!
What Is In My Ideal Morning
Every time I write down what is in my ideal morning its always yoga and a cuppa in the quiet that makes the list. I also like to get outside for some sunshine and fresh air first thing.
Writing morning pages can be so good for my wellbeing too. Writing a little bit of a gratitude diary, some plans for the day, and a little bit of a journal to get thoughts and feelings out from the day before or any dreams that I may have had in the night.
To start with I create a mind map of the things that I want in my morning and what I want to get done.
My mornings start before the rest of the house wakes up usually. Sometimes though especially through the winter months I may have to stick on the tv and grab my morning moment while the kids are watching Netflix for a minute or two. The things on my mind map won’t all get done each day but writing them down to get an idea of what I like helps.

But What About The Kids?
If the kids wake before I manage to sneak outside I will let them watch their tablets, or sit in my bed and watch tv. Sometimes they sneak outside and often that’s ok Now I am in my routine with my mornings I find I can zone in and out much easier.
I work backwards from What time we need to leave the house. The kids start getting up at about 7am. Remember this is not a hard fast schedule If I think they need that bit extra rest I will let them If it is feasible I just think our days are a lot smoother when we have a plan in place.
I find creating a bit of a mind map for what we need and want to get done before the school day really helps to remind us of what needs to be done.

The Rest Of The Day
To get the most out of our day Im going to start blocking our time out too. Once our Morning routines are over next comes schoolwork time.
Our day will hopefully look like this
- Mums morning time – 1 hr
- Family Morning Time 1hr
- 8.30 School Run / Get out and about
- Dinner – 4/5pm
- Kids at clubs
- Outdoor time
- Bedtime Routine For Kids – 7pm
- Grown ups down time! – 8.30pm
- Bed no later than 10pm
This is how I worked out how to get the best out of my morning time and my whole day in fact!
How do your Mornings look? Do you have energy and resilience through the day when stresses hit or do you need to look at your mornings and see how you could improve them?
Nina x
If you fancy creating a morning routine that helps make your days better have a look at this