December Word of the Month!

Oh gosh we are here already! I almost forgot to post this as I hurtled along November oblivious to what the date is!

So Decembers word of the month

The last one – Im not going to continue his in 2019 as Im not really sure anyone even reads it Ha!

My word this month is Gratitude.

December is all about coming together and feeling all the festiveness that it brings. getting caught in the magic the sparkle and the fun!

If we are not careful we can forget to show how grateful we are. we can overwhelm ourselves with sending gifts  that are meaningless.

This Month I want to let everyone around me know just how grateful I am for them!

I’m grateful for having family close by that will have the kids when an opportunity arrises for me to attend an event.

Grateful to my friends who support my anxious moments and keep me grounded with good advise or to the point wit!

Grateful to online friends who get me and have been through similar experiences It really is good to know your not alone!

Grateful that my christmases are now so full and exciting because we are a family and have kids to share the magic with! Christmas is all about the kids isn’t it?


Grateful to my husband who puts up with me. put up with my wrong kind of OCD, my whims, my moans, my low moods and everything else!

So thanks everyone for being in my life and I hope you have an amazing December.

Now anyone for a snowball?

Nina x
