December is Here I can’t quite believe it. this year has raced by. As you know have been trying to live a more simple family life as much as you can with two sets of twins.
Over the festive period It’s easy to get stressed about plans for the month, gifts you need to buy and dinner you have to cook.
I watch people’s December vlogs people like Zoella and Charlotte Taylor and I think how festive each day is. How I wish My december could be like theres. How simple they make December look.
This year I am going to make an effort to make the most of the festive while keeping it as simple as possible.
- Attend our local Christmas Market. – I want to wrap up warm, smell the gluvine see the lights & sample those festive treats.
- Take a Santa Train Trip. It’s Now a family tradition to visit Santa on a train ride so it has to be part of my December bucket list.
- I love taking part in Vlogmas however this year i’m not going to tie myself to posting every day. If you’ve not heard of vlogmas where have you been. It’s a video a day from December 1st to Christmas Day. I would like to record some of our memories though and create a few festive vlogs so head over to Youtube and hit that subscribe button so you can follow our christmas adventures.
- Garden Centre visit. I can’t believe we are in December and i’ve not yet visited a garden centre. I’m putting it on my list as I love a wander around the christmas displays.
- Winter walks. There’s a lot to be said for donning a pair of wellies, a few layers and a woolly hat and getting out into the fresh air.
- Donate. I’m decluttering (all the time) at the moment and I’m donating what I can to our local charity shop.
- Christmas lights road trip. We love getting in the car in our pjs with a snack and a hot drink for a drive around looking at everyone’s lights.
- Movie afternoon Shut the curtains, turn down the lights grab a duvet and sip hot chocolate in front of one of our fave Christmas movies.
- Playing games. We don’t really play many games as a family but Id like to introduce the big two to some games now they are that bit older and can listen to rules a little more.
- Relax. I don’t want to burn out through December I am often anxious at the best of times but If I can let go of things over the month I know it will feel like a much calmer season.
If you are looking for a festive things to do I hope this has given you a little bit of inspiration.
What’s on your bucket list? How do you spend the festive period?
Nina x

Lovely ideas. If You cannot catch the Santa Train Trip, then during the winter You could visit Santa at the Arctic Circle and meet him even in summer:
Santa Claus Village at the Arctic Circle
Happy weekend!
Ahhh that’s fab. Thanks. X