Ready For A Cuppa Review – ChilliPetals

If you follow me over on Instagram you will know that I’m often found with a cuppa in one hand.

Chilli Petals is an amazing little Coffee Shop. Its one of my usual places to go for a quiet cuppa after the school run.

Chilli Petals Is a coffee shop with gift shop & florist’s and based in a former Hotel in a small village called Tuxford.

Today I took the children to school and headed out to a local coffee shop for a coffee & a slice of toast.

The shop is bright yet cosy. I sat in a comfy bucket seat by the window but I have been before and sat in one of the sofa areas. It’s such a great place to meet up with friends and enjoy a coffee and a chat.

My coffee came. It was amazing after what seemed like the longest summer holidays to sit and enjoy a quiet cuppa made for me.

My cuppa today – A tall one shot latte, creamy and frothy went down a treat.


I managed to connect to the WiFi and do a little social media catch up!

After my toast and cuppa I had a browse around the gifts – There was a 50% sale on some of the items so I picked up a few things for Christmas gifts.

Then off to pay – Quite reasonable prices

I was tempted to stay for lunch as the soup that day smelt amazing.

There’s always another time!


This post was not sponsored and all of the opinions are my own



  1. 16th September 2016 / 12:07

    What a quaint little coffee shop! Chloe (A Cold Cup of Chloe) x

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