Easter Rocky Road

I’m not usually one for posting recipes. However this one is so easy even the kids can do it.


Easter Rocky Road


  • Two bars of Cadbury Chocolate
  • 2 bars of shops brand white chocolate
  • Marshmallows
  • Cadburys Mini Eggs Crushed ( We bashed ours with a rolling pin in a food bag)
  • Crushed digestives
  • Food colouring


  • Boil water in a pan with a bowl that rests over the top without touching the water
  • Break milk chocolate into squares and melt in the bowl.
  • Once melted add to a cool bowl and add marshmallows, crushed mini eggs, crushed digestives
  • Mix together and poor into a lined baking tray or foil tubs to desired depth
  • Place in freezer to set
  • Once set in clean bowl as before melt white chocolate
  • Cut set rocky road into bite size pieces.
  • Spoon a little into a small dish and add one drop of food colouring mix into a pale colour.
  • Get a small amount onto a teaspoon and drip lines left and right onto the rocky road pieces.
  • Repeat with different food colours until you have desired effect.
  • Display on a nice plate or bag up a few as a gift.


Who knows, maybe I’ll be back again with another recipe soon.


Nina x


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