Family Date Night – Roof Top Starlight Cinema – Lanzarote

A while back I spotted on someone’s Facebook page an article about a new roof top cinema in Lanzarote. We often head to Lanzarote for our Holidays so put it on our list of must visit places.

Its such an amazing space with all the up to date films showing and a few of the classics 

Open Air Cinema


Our first visit back in 2016 was Enchanted which was the only film really suited to our big twins. At the time they were our only twins.

While we were there we had an ice-cream just outside the cinema area. Where you can sit and have a drink & snack either in the day or before you film. There is also a 6D Cinema experience at the rooftop. Although we didn’t go this time we have been to another one on the island.

For me & Hubby we booked a deal where you get entry, popcorn and a drink for just 20euro the popcorn came in quite a big tub so we had one tub and J & M had the other.

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On the day we arrived early to get a good seat, it was a good job we did as it soon got busy! The seating area is at the top of the shopping centre with views over Puerto Del Carmen and out towards the sea.



As we were early we had a bit of food from the Starcaf before the film. There are Panini’s, cocktails, beer, sweets, cakes and of course popcorn. I had a cheese & Ham croissant. Which was delicious.  There is even a service button on the tables so that you can order drinks and snacks throughout the film. M kept pressing ours by accident.


Soon after the sun had set headphones were handed around enabling you to listen in English or Spanish.

The film then started and J & M snuggled down with the blanket and cushion that are provided on each seat.

The film ended and we J had fell asleep & M was about to so we scooped them up and as we left they were given a balloon each.

I loved our Family date night at the Starlight Cinema and I’m looking forward to our next trip to Lanzarote So that we can go again.

If you are visiting Lanzarote anytime soon I would recommend an evening at the rooftop Cinema.

You can more details  here.


This post was written without compensation, payment or discount.

The views are entirely my own.



  1. Martin
    8th September 2016 / 13:53

    Hi, I’m the owner of Starlight, ide just like to say many thanks for the great review and such a great video.
    Glad you enjoyed it, hope to see you again in Lanzarote sometime.

    • 10th September 2016 / 13:27

      No problem Martin. We had a really good evening.

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