I survived….. Just! (Placenta Percreta Cesarean hysterectomy) Part 2

Please Note images may be upsetting for some readers! 

Part one of my journey can be found here!

  • Saturday 2nd – The day went well – tried again to breastfeed, got out of bed and used the toilet. Then by tea time I started vomiting –  I was transferred to a ward during the night where the vomiting got worse!

I hadn’t yet opened my bowels after the op and the nurses were getting a little concerned – I was given suppositories to try to get things moving. and although some things moved it wasn’t easing things enough!

Sunday 3rd – & Monday 4th – Still vomiting, still no bowel movements, I couldn’t keep anything down. so I ended up with continuous IV fluids and pain relief.

In the end, I got transferred back down to the High Dependency ward where there was a better one to one care!

I was given enema’s to see if that would get my bowels moving and alleviate the sickness.

They didn’t work.

It was late on Monday night and I’d had a sip of water to take some tablets and wanted to hold ‘baby boy M’  when out of nowhere came another bout of sickness. It went everywhere all over me and my bed all over ‘baby boy M’ all over hubby’s trousers and shoes and all over the nurse.

I got out of bed and headed for a shower – It was the first shower id had since before my op! It was heaven, I actually felt like I was a human being again!

  • Tuesday 5th – Felt a little better I even managed to drink a couple of cups of orange juice and keep them down.

Then they decided to take out my staples – all looked well apart from one small gape at the bottom the nurse put some steri strips over it! IMG_3011

I was then transferred back to the ward and given some food I managed a biscuit and some fruit and some more orange juice.

Then more vomiting and later that day my wound opened up! There was a little bleeding and I was told later on it was 3cm deep and 9cm long!

I ended up back down to the High Dependency Unit.

Back in the side room!

Later on, I ended up with a tube down my nose to drain any more fluid that had been making me sick! this was not a pleasant experience every time I swallowed I could feel the tube in my throat however it did take the pressure of my stomach and ease the sickness.


I was told I should be nil by mouth!

Wednesday 6th – Nil By mouth, lots of iv fluids and pain relief during the day then, later on, that day a surgeon and the anaesthetist from my previous op came to see my wound and said I needed to go to surgery to have it closed back up but beforehand I was to have an x-ray – the x-ray wasn’t a good enough result so I was set for a CT Scan. This is similar to an MRI but the tube is smaller so you don’t go as far in and don’t feel as claustrophobic. They put a cannula in my arm before I went down for the CT but due to all the previous cannulas, my arms were so bruised they couldn’t find a vein so had to get an ultrasound machine in to look for a suitable one! The cannula was for them to add some liquid during the CT Scan to dye my veins to check the flow of things. The dye gives you feeling of warmth from your head in a wave to your toes as it goes down you feel like you’ve had a wee – I was assured this was normal and I had not just disgraced myself. IMG_3086

The results came back

My bowel had twisted ……….

To be continued



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