Liebster Award

Last week when I logged into Instagram I found I had been tagged in a post by The Lovely Mum but Still Me 

She had nominated me for The Liebster Award Tag –


Basically The idea is to promote new Blogs. You answer a series of questions and then set your own and tag up to 11 other new bloggers to do the same.

I thought but I don’t know that many New blogs! – So i took to Facebook to find some others that would like to be nominated!

Do you know I’m glad I did I’ve now connected with some other bloggers that I probably would have not connected with otherwise.

You see the thing about blogging is the community feel of it – Especially around the parenting blogs – They are like having an extended circle of friends. Others that are going through or have gone through the same things.


  1. Write a blog post about your nomination, displaying an image of the award.
  2. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  3. Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you asked you in his/her blog post.
  4. Nominate 5-11 other starting bloggers who you think deserve this award, and come up with 11 questions of your own for them to answer. I’ve actually got 13 
  5. List these rules in your blog post.

SO first to answer The questions I was sent:

  1. What is the biggest lesson that motherhood taught you so far?  That no matter how prepared you think you are things can and probably will turn out different to what you expected. 
  2. What’s your guilty pleasure? Clean with me video’s on YouTube – I often watch them instead of actually cleaning 😉
  3. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?  I always wanted to be a graphic designer but then in my final year my mum was ill and It was as if my brain suddenly forgot how to draw.
  4. What makes a great party for you? I love to host so I like to know everyone is having a good time. but ultimately a great group of friends and good food make a good party. 
  5. How do you deal with your fears? I have anxiety so there are many things I fear but my “normal” fear is spiders this is generally dealt with by running away or shouting the hubby.
  6. What does blogging mean to you? I started blogging when I struggled with conceiving and suffered with insomnia It was a bit of an outlet for my emotions and thoughts. A kind of therapy. Now its much more than that Its a community that I love meeting up with other bloggers and connecting on social media.
  7. How would you describe your style? Eclectic – I don’t really have a particular style – Id like to think I’m a little but boho but I also love my jeans & jumpers really anything I feel comfy in!
  8. What can’t you live without? My Iphone – Oh and my husband and kids 
  9. What is your most treasured possession? Did I just mention my Iphone 😉
  10. What do you love the most about yourself? My determination! 
  11. How do you want to grow old? My husband and I often say we want to be that carefree couple walking hand in hand on the beach. To be Honest since losing a few close friends and family all around 90 years young  I keep saying If I get to 90 and are as fit and happy as they were then I’d take that! 

It’s now time for me to nominate New blogs from around the interweb!

I thought it was going to be hard finding new bloggers out there but after turning to Facebook here I am with some   bloggers all eagerly  awaiting my questions 🙂

New Blogs for you to check out!

  1. Flump has two Mummies 
  2. Life Of An Auntie 
  3. Counting to Ten 
  4. Someones mum 
  5. And then she said
  6. You, Me and the 6 C’s
  7. The Mediocre Mum
  8. Living with Jude
  9. Bell and Bear 
  10. Organised Jo 

My questions to the above bloggers

  1. What or who inspired you to blog?
  2. Who would you invite to a dinner party?
  3. If you had to give up one what would it be out of Tea, Coffee, Alcohol?
  4. Whats your favorite view?
  5. Who is your inspiration in life?
  6. Whats the best piece of advise you’ve been given?
  7. What is at the top of your bucket list?
  8. Is there anything you would do differently if you could?
  9. Whats the one place you would love to see if money were no object?
  10. What would you do with a lottery win?
  11. How do you relax?

So now its over to you!

Don’t forget to check out the blogs above and leave a comment or two




  1. 24th September 2016 / 09:31

    Haha may have to check out these Clean with me videos, I didn’t even know they were a thing! Chloe (A Cold Cup of Chloe) x

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