Mum days! – A trip to the park.

Last week while the big kids were at forest school I headed out to our nearby town my plan was to have a cuppa and then mooch around the shops.

What happens instead was me & the baby twins headed to the park before meeting up with a friend for lunch.

Mason & Jessica although are hard work are such a joy sometimes.

Watching them explore the big world around them is such an amazing privilege.

Our trip to town really lifted me.

Don’t get me wrong, wrangling twins away from the splash area , (we hadn’t got spare clothes) taking bits of sand from their mouth and dealing with sandy clothes isn’t up there as one of my favourite moments. However if I have to endure those bits to bank the good memories then I’m happy to do so.

Not only did it’s save me spending money on tat I don’t need but it made me remember the good in the frugal simple things.

Nina x


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