October insta round up.

I joined Instagram years ago under a different account. When I opened my blog, however, I deceived to run an Instagram feed alongside it. I love to look back at what’s happened on my feed over the last month.

I like Instagram it a great platform for microblogging.

Here is a round-up of my posts in case you missed them. Also a list of people I recommend you follow this month. If you’re not a follower And you think you like my posts head on over and give me a follow.

The Best 

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The first photo of me and hubby with our new twins a few hours after waking from my operation!

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The first day I was left alone with the little twins. They gave me an unsettled afternoon! I was so tired and they just wouldn’t stop crying! I ended up picking them both up!


Everyone seems to have done the pumpkin patches this year. I jumped on it too!

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I love this Magazine. Its a shame its only once a season!

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I love this photo! The dress I wasn’t sure about but after posting this picture I had so many lovely comments I now feel fab in it!

The Rest

Who I’m Loving this Month


Jules Furness
I’ve followed this lady for ages she is such a down to earth person. I love her feed it’s honest yet stylish. go check her out!


Amber @ Meet The Wildes 
This lady is such an inspiration her photos are amazing She like me has two sets of twins but hers are much closer in age! Again her posts are very real!


Stephanie Stephaniemartinez84 lady gave me hope and encouragement through one of the toughest things I’ve ever done!  She posts anything from health to her kids, to knitting and nails!

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I love Rachel’s feed Shes witty, and true! She is one of the twin mums I follow.  


Don’t forget to head on over and give these great Instagramers a follow!

Nina x


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