Getting that Friday (weekend) Feeling During a Lockdown

We are now 2 weeks into the country being in a partial lockdown and there is no Let up on the horizon soon. But we have to carry on. We have to fill our days with things that bring us joy. Plan, create, laugh & cry.

Today is Friday which for me is usually my Work from Home Day. I mean I’m a blogger and content creator so basically every day is a work from home day But Friday Is my proper work day away from the kids. The day I get excited for all week and the day that I know I get to see friends for Pizza Friday and have the whole weekend to spend with Spencersarc.Daddy and the kids creating memories and exploring.

friday feeling

Today though Friday feels very different. There is no urgency to post for the coffee shop I work for Because its closed for the foreseeable future. I have no blogging posts that need to be written, no reviews, no ads.

Friday this week is the same as it has been all week and for the past 2 weeks stay alive, keep kids safe, happy and as educated as I possibly can.

That said I miss the Friday feeling when I woke up. So I’m creating a new Friday Feeling.

We still have the weekend to look forward to. We still have family time together (Chris (hubby) works during the week in our home office so at least he will have 2 days for us to be together)

Here is what I’ll be doing to get that Friday feeling during Lockdown.

  • Coffee Shop vibes Make Myself a latte or tea in a teapot. And sit at the table to drink it. Set the table out like a cafe table. Plants in the middle of the table some nice music on. I could even get the kids to be my waitress?
  • Friday night Pizza night – Ok shop bought pizza or even making your own pizzas isn’t quite the same as a dirty pizza with friends but Sticking to the pizza night menu is a great idea.
  • Facetime – Getting friends to face time into Friday Night Pizza night Is a great way to keep connected.
  • Saving it for the weekend – Friday feelings often come because we have a weekend full of exciting adventures planned. AS we cant go to the beach or head to the forest for adventure maybe we might recreate some at home? – We have a hot tub, cinema room and a bouncy castle all of which could be kept as a weekend treat I’m aware we are very lucky to have these things but what could you find at home that is a weekend treat? Movie night with all the snacks, pamper afternoon where you can paint nails, put on facemasks, or just simply have a foot soak in the washing up bowl with some nice smelling bubble bath.

I have seen many online events too that are happening right in your living room (kitchen, or wherever you have access to the internet.)

  • Quiz night – I have seen some people on facebook setting up quiz nights on there from influencers to pubs where their doors are shut but their living rooms are open.
  • Camp Out (Or In) – Over on Instagram Tent_share are hosting an online camp. You can join in the fun with a conference call using zoom.
  • Games – There is now free access to some online card games that you can connect up with friends and play. I’ve seen a Cards against Humanity style game. I’ve seen some families even playing monopoly through their webcam.

Whatever you find to get that Friday feeling I hope you are able to stay safe, and maintain a sense of wellbeing through this difficult time.

If you have any more ideas to get that Friday feeling let me know in the comments!

Nina x


No one would have believed!

No One would have believed ….. hang on wrong novel.

But this isn’t a novel, this isn’t some thriller you can turn off when things get a bit too much this is life. This is March 2020 The year that started so well, So positive, so full of opportunity.

Friday 13th March started like most Fridays do. Wake up get dressed, get the big twins ready for breakfast club, get the little twins ready for nursery then Head out the door. On the way to nursery the world from our little bubble seemed normal. Except Today had an edge about it. Today was going to be my little twins last day at nursery for the foreseeable future. Today a shadow in my heart loomed as we awaited to see if our country was going into lockdown like the rest of europe and beyond.

For a while we had been seeing a future history lesson unfold before our eyes. To start with it seemed like the news of Corona (Covid-19) was far enough away from our little town to not make much difference to our daily life. But today just over two weeks later, life in our little town is very much far from normal.

To start the Kids are out of school for who knows how long. Originally they said maybe until after the easter holidays but i’m thinking it will be more like September before they are heading back to see their school friends, their teachers and before I get to see my school run mum / Dad friends.

People, Neighbours, friends, etc are working from home if they can or worst case they are out of work for the foreseeable future.

Though some friends, neighbours, heros are working more hours than ever before, more hours than they would have thought possible. NHS Staff, Fire Fighters, Delivery workers, Utility workers, Shop keepers and shop staff. They are all working what is now effectively known as Front line!

Our little world that sometimes seems massive is so very small when people have a virus that likes to spread.

The start of the year I had vowed to be better at life, better at simple living. Now there is no other choice. There is no where to be no where to rush off to. Simple meals are a must. A simple routine is what is keeping us from going crazy and embracing the simple pleasures in life are what is filling our souls.

As I write we are now in a lockdown situation. Allowed out only to buy necessities and for emergency medical reasons or to exercise. Most of the country are complying with this though there are a few that are just not listening to the rules. Having parties, heading to parks etc. Which makes me think that tighter measures are only days away.

As more and more people hit the headlines by getting sick my anxiety creeps in a little more making it hard to distinguish if a symptom is that of anxiety or “the virus”. Yet if it is the virus there is nothing we can do other than stay home, ride it out and if symptoms are unbearable only then will the hospital be able help. Help though is only in the form of forcing oxygen into our lungs. While our own bodies fight the virus! There is no cure, there is no vaccine.

I have to hold on to the fact that we are all in this together, we as a family are lucky to have a garden and each other.Some friends have husbands that are working miles and miles away from home. Some family’s are having to go out to work to be on the “front line” others have already lost a family member to this cruel virus. Some are going to lose their businesses.

I know that after this things most took for granted will be held that bit closer, that bit tighter. After this the world will still turn, people will party, they will hug, they will see the beauty in the everyday things that were lost during the lockdown.

Stay Safe everyone!

Nina x


Sourcing More Eco Friendly Spring Fair NEC

Eco, Sustainability, Reusable plastics, Re purpose, Recyclable, Green living. All of these phrases are flying around the internet at the moment. Most of them buzz words used to grab attention.However Like most of us I am feeling conscious of how my life affects our planet and I’ve mentioned before about starting my eco friendly journey. I headed over to the Spring Fair at the Nec this year to source out new brands and products who are doing their bit to leave a better planet for our children. Sourcing a more Eco Friendly Spring Fair NEC.

Eco Friendly Spring Fair NEC

The Spring Fair is a trade show for manufactures and suppliers to come together to showcase products to potential retail outlets, hospitality venues and more. It’s a great place to network however it is massive and quite a long day.

I went along specifically to find sustainable products that I think has a potential to fit into my lifestyle and hopefully into yours too.

This year was easier than ever to find brands and products with the Spring Fair sustainability trail new for 2020. All I had to do was search Sustainability on the exhibitor list. Or check out the list of Suppliers in the Sustainability trail PDF

Click here to see the list for yourself

Sustainable Suppliers List Eco Friendly

The show is massive (It spreads over most of the NEC) I only had a day to do it all in so I only have a little selection of products and brands that I managed to visit.

Noaz Ark – Childrens Bath Products

The creator and Founder of Noaz Ark is Bea Scott. She has 4 children and has family at the base of her company. Bea aims to capture the magic and heritage of Ireland where she grew up in her range of Bath time products.

Bea told me all about her grandmother making potions to fix childhood scrapes. SHe says she has fond memories of her grandmother at the kitchen table back in Ireland from when she was a child. She is now making her own range of potions for children with her bath time products. But its more than just natural bubble bath.

Bea Also writes and illustrates children’s stories to go alongside her products. Which she feels can be read after bath time for that all important family bonding time like she had as a child.

Little Fox Soapery – Soap Bars

It was the Dish soap that drew me to Barbaras stand. I have been looking for alternatives to my usual liquid soap.

She creates the most delicious looking soaps from G&T Hand and body soap to all natural dog soap. She is also developing a range of childrens soaps for the more delicate skin.

Jack & Maddie – Kitchenware Sustainable crockery

I didn’t get chance to chat with Jake or Maddie directly however I did visit the stand. Jake & Maddie produce Natural Kitchenware made from 100% Natural materials. There range of coconut shell bowls are beautiful and functional. They would look lovely stacked on show as well as being safe for food items.

One or two of the items in their catalogue are definitely on my wish list.

T&G woodware – Homeware / crockery

This is the first stand I visited when I arrived and their Ocean Collection really stood out to me. Not only is it stylish but it really appeals to my not so secret desire to live by the sea. On top of that every purchase is helping give a little bit back to saving our planet.

T&G are making a donation to Plastic Ocean Uk with every purchase from the Ocean range.

T&G hopes this gorgeous ‘Ocean’ range will
engage everyone in a conversation to rethink
plastic and consider what we can do help
prevent pollution in our seas. T&G is committed
to reducing plastic usage in the business
substantially by the end of 2019.

Taken from the T&G press Pack

Non Plastic Beach – Toiletries

I didn’t get to speak to anyone off the non plastic beach stand as they were busy when I went past however the stand looked very appealing and they have a range of products. There are some great swaps here I feel.

Talking Tables -Partyware

Talking tables is a partyware company that now have a range of eco friendly products available. With 4 kids in the house and two adults who love to entertain party products that don’t literally cost the earth are a great find for me.

The “Party like there is a tomorrow’ and “boho” ranges really caught my eye. I really like bright colours for a summer party!

Salvage Society – Clothing

The last company I want to give a shout out to is The Salvage Society. They use organic grown cotton grown without pesticides or recycled material.

The items that were on the stand felt really high quality and soft. They look just like my kind of clothing range too. lots of blue and stripes!

We wanted a brand that would appeal to a broad spectrum of people of all ages. We wanted to be as affordable as possible and not make profit the most important factor at the expense of the people and the planet. 

From the Salvage Society Website

Eco Friendly Spring Fair

I hope you find some of these brands and products of use. If or when I make any purchases from any of these brands I’ll be posting about it over on Instagram.

Nina x


School Holiday Survival Guide & Bucket List

February Half term holiday is just around the corner so it’s time to get my planning head on. School Holidays always feel that bit more chilled when I have a few plans in place. It may only be a week off school but it can be a week of adventures and memory making or a week of tension and stress. Here’s my School Holiday Survival guide & Bucket list.

This blog post contains affiliate links

School Holiday Survival Guide & Bucket list.

Schools Out – School Holiday survival guide.

  1. Plan, plan, plan! Sometimes it’s nice to wing it but if you work from home like I do you need to put a plan in place to Fit in times for work, times for playing and when your going out with the kids.
  2. On the subject of planning. I always try and create a bucket list of things we want to do over the holidays and weekends. Places to go activities to do together etc. If you head to the bottom of this post I have included our bucket list for the upcoming Half term.
  3. Get Some me time. You can’t pour from an empty cup as they say so it’s important to get even 10 mins for yourself. A bath when they have finally dropped into bed or a cuppa in the garden.
  4. A good way to get some me time is to have quiet afternoons Our little twins still have a nap still at the moment so I send the big two to have some quiet time which lets me get on with a little bit of work in the afternoons or take my 10 mins just for me.
  5. Routines don’t have to go out of the window just because the school run is on hold. You can still follow a simple routine so that the kids know what’s happening through the day. Our little ones thrive on a bit of routine.

Spring Term Bucket List

So on to our bucket list for the Half Term

I find it so beneficial to create a bucket list. It really gives us an idea of activities and trips we want to take. I add any trips that are already booked, activities we would like to do.

Bucket List

Days Out

  • Camping, Caravan and Motorhome Show – I can’t wait to head here and get some inspiration for our spring / Summer adventures.
  • Beach Day – This is forever on my bucket list I just love the seaside.
  • National Trust Visit – Pring is an ideal time for making use of our National Trust Membership. We have Clumber park almost on our doorstep was well as Belton House just down the A1.


  • Movie Night – we love a movie night. The kids think its so special when we put up the big screen and get snacks to watch a film. We are currently watching Harry Potter.
  • One to One Date day – If you follow me over on instagram you will know that just lately one to one time has been a little tricky so my plan is to give each of the big twins on day a month each to spend with whichever parent they want. I think this will hopefully get us all back on track.
  • Kite Flying – It’s been ages since we’ve been out flying kites and the kids just love it.
  • Picnics & Packed Lunches – To save a little bit of money, I often pack up a picnic or packed lunch when we head out and about. It is a real hit with both sets of twins to have the novelty of thier own packed lunch.

What tips do you have to survive the holidays? Do you create a bucket list?

Nina x

Follow our daily adventures over on instagram and see what we get up to during the school break!

Affiliate Link

If you are stuck for Half term activities why not check out Klook. With loads of activities* to choose from and a £10 off with the code UKHALFTERM Can you afford not to take a look?

* london Eye Tickets, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Tours, York Medieval tour and more!


Summer Adventure Planning – ADPress Pass Caravan Camping & Motorhome Show 2020

I love planning new adventures especially those that mean exploring somewhere new. Our last big adventure was our Cornwall road trip last summer. This year we already have one epic adventure booked in for spring but still so much planning to do for it! We have a few places in mind for summer adventures too. I thought a trip to the Caravan Camping & Motorhome Show would be an ideal place to start planning our adventures.

Caravan Camping & Motorhome Show

The Show is returning to The NEC from the 18th – 23rd of February and looks as if it’s going to be a great place to start planning our summer adventures. A great day out for the February Half term.

We are relatively new to Motorhoming and camping but have fell in love with this simple way to explore and take in new adventures. Heading to the Caravan Camping & Motorhome Show I’m hoping to pick up some tips for our April Adventures and beyond.

Family Day Out

The show has so many activities for a family like ours from live shows at the “Freedom To Go Theatre” featuring none other than Shane Richie (From “Caravaning With Shane” and Eastenders) and Nadiya Hussain from Bake Off Fame. There is a lot more appearing too covering many aspects of holidaying and adventuring.On top of the theatre shows there are activities For the the whole family from climbing walls and crazy golf to amuse and entertain.

Caravan Camping & Motorhome Show 2020 is all about releasing your inner outdoorsman with Away Resorts.

Outdoor Survival with Away Resorts

Away Resort rangers will be on hand teaching all about surviving in the bush, building dens and lighting fires. On top of this there is a “survival challenge” open to the bravest of young bush people. Rangers will take adventures through bushtucker challenges like plank walking, and problem solving. To find keys to open the Bush Tucker chest.

With all the activities during the day how will you even find time to navigate through the array of leisure vehicles, static homes, lodges and tents?

There looks to be a whole load of inspiration for your adventures and travels at the show.

I for one can’t wait to visit.

Ticket prices on the door are only £10 for adults and £9 for seniors with under 15’s being free to enter.

For more information, maps travel information etc head to their website.

Nina x


I am heading to the Caravan Camping & Motorhome Show under a press pass. This blog post is part of the campaign. I have no prior knowledge of the show but I only work with brands and products that fit with our family life.

No payment has been received to write anything and as such am under no obligation to post.

On the day I will be over on Instagram from the show itself and will give my honest opinion of the show.

If your heading there on the Tuesday cme find me and say Hi!
