We are now 2 weeks into the country being in a partial lockdown and there is no Let up on the horizon soon. But we have to carry on. We have to fill our days with things that bring us joy. Plan, create, laugh & cry.
Today is Friday which for me is usually my Work from Home Day. I mean I’m a blogger and content creator so basically every day is a work from home day But Friday Is my proper work day away from the kids. The day I get excited for all week and the day that I know I get to see friends for Pizza Friday and have the whole weekend to spend with Spencersarc.Daddy and the kids creating memories and exploring.

Today though Friday feels very different. There is no urgency to post for the coffee shop I work for Because its closed for the foreseeable future. I have no blogging posts that need to be written, no reviews, no ads.
Friday this week is the same as it has been all week and for the past 2 weeks stay alive, keep kids safe, happy and as educated as I possibly can.
That said I miss the Friday feeling when I woke up. So I’m creating a new Friday Feeling.
We still have the weekend to look forward to. We still have family time together (Chris (hubby) works during the week in our home office so at least he will have 2 days for us to be together)
Here is what I’ll be doing to get that Friday feeling during Lockdown.
- Coffee Shop vibes Make Myself a latte or tea in a teapot. And sit at the table to drink it. Set the table out like a cafe table. Plants in the middle of the table some nice music on. I could even get the kids to be my waitress?
- Friday night Pizza night – Ok shop bought pizza or even making your own pizzas isn’t quite the same as a dirty pizza with friends but Sticking to the pizza night menu is a great idea.
- Facetime – Getting friends to face time into Friday Night Pizza night Is a great way to keep connected.
- Saving it for the weekend – Friday feelings often come because we have a weekend full of exciting adventures planned. AS we cant go to the beach or head to the forest for adventure maybe we might recreate some at home? – We have a hot tub, cinema room and a bouncy castle all of which could be kept as a weekend treat I’m aware we are very lucky to have these things but what could you find at home that is a weekend treat? Movie night with all the snacks, pamper afternoon where you can paint nails, put on facemasks, or just simply have a foot soak in the washing up bowl with some nice smelling bubble bath.
I have seen many online events too that are happening right in your living room (kitchen, or wherever you have access to the internet.)
- Quiz night – I have seen some people on facebook setting up quiz nights on there from influencers to pubs where their doors are shut but their living rooms are open.
- Camp Out (Or In) – Over on Instagram Tent_share are hosting an online camp. You can join in the fun with a conference call using zoom.
- Games – There is now free access to some online card games that you can connect up with friends and play. I’ve seen a Cards against Humanity style game. I’ve seen some families even playing monopoly through their webcam.

Whatever you find to get that Friday feeling I hope you are able to stay safe, and maintain a sense of wellbeing through this difficult time.
If you have any more ideas to get that Friday feeling let me know in the comments!
Nina x