10 Ways to improve my mental wellbeing – World mental health day. 2019

Its world mental health day once again. This time of year can be a huge trigger for my mental health to start taking a dip. I have in the past suffered with anxiety and depression and had a few more diagnoses thrown in to boot.

Mental health can affect anyone. From the young to the old! It can come in many different forms, anxiety, postnatal depression, post-traumatic stress, bipolar, schizophrenia and more.

Sometimes symptoms can be helped by doing little things each day to boost your mood. Sometime you may need a little more help from therapy or medication.

If you or anyone you know seems to be suffering from mental illness please contact your health provider. Do not sit in silence. Seek help!

10 ways To help when your mood drops or anxiety creeps in.

  1. Eating healthy. Eating a healthy diet gives you essential nutrients that can, in turn, make your body produce chemicals that improve mood.
  2. Art. It has been proved that art & craft has beneficial impacts on your mental health. Activities such as painting, knitting, pottery where you can immerse yourself in the activity is a bit like being in a meditative state.
  3. Exercise. We all know by now that exercise is an essential part of everyday life that we should be participating in. However, still, not enough people are doing the recommended amount per week. However, even just a 10 min brisk walk outside can improve your mood. The vitamin D from the sun even in a winter, the fresh air into your lungs and the fact that you are moving creates chemicals that boost mood.
  4. Yoga. I’ve put this separate to exercise just because it encompasses more than just exercise. The stretching, the controlled breathing and the movement all help with getting you on the right track to a positive wellbeing.
  5. Gratitude lists.  we did start writing 3 things we were grateful for each day and share it between myself hubby and stepson, lately though we haven’t been doing it. You could put them in a journal, or write each one on a piece of paper and put it in a jar.
  6. Declutter – A cluttered home creates a cluttered mind. If there are things piling up around you it doesn’t create a calm space for your mind to relax!
  7. Be in the moment – Take a moment to be here and now. use your senses to really feel present. smell the coffee your drinking, taste your lunch rather than just gulping it down out of necessity, get down and play with your kids the way they do!
  8. Let it out – If you need to cry, cry – stick on a weepy movie grab some tissues and have a good sob!
  9. Talk – Grab a cuppa with a friend and tell them how your feeling, or seek out a counsellor who will not pass judgement and tell them whats bothering you. Sometimes when you talk about things they don’t seem as bad as they did in your head.
  10. Get enough sleep – Sleep is so important for our mental state of mind! We should aim for 7 -8 hours a night. Sleep gives our brains time to process information that it has been given through the day. sleeping can help aid recovery of traumatic events.


It’s so important to seek help if low mood turns into something more. Please reach out to someone your trust. A Dr, a friend or a family member.

Remember it is ok not to feel ok.


If you need help.

Urgent help always ring 999


Telephone: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call)
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Website: https://www.samaritans.org

Confidential emotional support for anyone who may be feeling distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide. You can phone, email, write, or in most cases talk to someone face to face.

Mind Infoline

Telephone: 0300 123 3393 (9am-6pm Monday to Friday) or text 86463
Email: info@mind.org.uk
Website: www.mind.org.uk/information-support/helplines

Mind provides confidential mental health information services.


Placenta Percreta My story.

Finally getting over the initial shock of being pregnant with twins for a second time. I vowed that this time things would be different. Starting with the birth. Our first twins were born by cesarean section. I found out the cesarean is probably what caused me to develop the rare life threatening condition Placenta Percreta.

Scans until 35 weeks showed both placentas were no issues. I was doing everything to have a Natural birth this time. I attended yoga classes and willed the babies to be in the right direction.

Little did I know that had I gone into labour I may not be here today. Luckily a 34 week scan showed that one placenta had “Moved”. Now classed as low lying (Previa) There was no way I could have a natural birth now as my cervix was covered. I was booked in for another cesarean at 38 weeks.

After a few niggles at an appointment I was kept in hospital. I was told by a couple of the midwives that placentas very rarely move down they usually move up. Meaning that the condition that was like a ticking time bomb inside me, should, have been Spotted earlier.

I was sent for several scans after my niggles, all the time hopeful that they had made a mistake and I could go home. Instead what they found was the placenta not only covering ‘the os’ but it looked like it was growing through my uterus. This I was told is very rare but just to be on the safe side an MRI was done with grim results. Placenta Percreta

A healthy placenta attaches itself to the surface of the uterus in rare cases it can begin to grow into and through the wall. There are 3 stages of severity starting with Accreta. Placenta grows into the uterus. Increta through the uterus. Percreta grows through the uterus, out of the other side and can be invading other organs like the bladder.

I spent one week in hospital not knowing about this condition. The following week I knew too much. I was sent to a hospital over an hour from my home and kids. Booked in for a “cesarean hysterectomy’ under general anesthetic a week later. They couldn’t do it any sooner as a team of 30 plus surgeons & specialists, were needed to be called upon.

For a week I spent my time either terrified of not making it through the operation or asking the various hospital staff questions about the operation and what would happen afterwards.

My surgeon came to see me as soon as I arrived. He explained all of the possible risks involved with the operation. From bladder repair to major blood loss. I likened it to when someone gets told they have cancer. The numbness they feel at that moment. How the words after the word cancer just seem to jumble and you can’t really hear anything.

After the surgeon came, my anaesthetist visited, who fast became my rock during my stay. She had answers for all my questions and she knew just how to make me feel better. She gave me a little to do list each day from the necessary, like scans and things to the tasks like planning the babies outfits for their birth and the day they come home. She also gave me tasks like booking things for me for when I get home. Giving me hope that I would in fact get home.

That week was the worst week I’ve ever endured. I wanted the operation to hurry up yet not wanting it to happen at all.

The day before my operation went surprisingly quick as lots of the team came to see me and introduced themselves. I had bloods taken, my vitals checked babies monitored and so on.

I spent sometime that night outside with a cuppa in one hand and my husbands hand tightly gripped in the other. Looking up at the stars silently praying. Pleading even to make it through.

The operation came. It was 6 hours long. I lost, and was transfused, 11 units of blood. That’s all of my body’s supply plus a bit more. However the operation was successful and as routine as this rare operation can be.

I was able to see my new babies the following day and they were a picture of health.

My month long stay is less than some women with this condition. I feel like I’m one of the lucky ones.

I’m doing ok now, enjoying the chaotic life that is a being a mum if twins twice!


Summer Road Trip – Motorhome Hire From Just Go – Review #AD

We are always on the look out for a new adventure. This summer was no different. That’s why we took a road trip to explore Devon and Cornwall in a motorhome. Find out more about Our motorhome hire from Just Go.

Motorhome Hire From Just Go.

The process of booking was so easy using the online search. Just simply fill in the dates you want and how many adults and children you have. There are two pick up points one is Luton and one is Edinburgh. You can then add optional extras to your booking. We didn’t really chose any extras.

Once you get to the payment page you can just pay a deposit for you holiday. Ideal if you are booking for Summer 2020 like we will be doing with our loyalty discount. The discount is given to you when you drop off your motorhome after your hire.


Prior to our hire I realised that I had double booked for the first few days of our booking. I emailed customer services and they were happy to postpone our collection date for a couple of days later and adjust the balance owing accordingly.

Getting On The Road

Before the trip you are asked to check in and add your driving licence and passport details as well as anything else you need like eu driving permits etc. Once this is done the picking up of your hire vehicle is so much quicker on the day.

You are given a tour of you holiday home on wheels and once the refundable damage deposit is paid you are off.

We got ourselves on the road to our first stop off.

Driving the Motorhome was a little scary at first but once you get used to the size it’s really nice to drive.

Chris actually took over all of the driving as he used to drive large vans as a teen.

The drive itself was really comfortable up front there are arm rests and plenty of leg room and in the back the kids all sat around the table. There are 6 belted seats in the model we chose. Which is rare in a motorhome that can be driven on a normal licence.

Wide Load Coming Through

We had already booked sites for most of our motorhome hire and I had done lots of planning of day trips however there were still a few changes we made along the way. Driving and more to the point parking a vehicle the size we had can be a challenge. Low bridges, narrow roads and carparks that only open to motorhomes during set times have to be taken into consideration.

Google Street view can be your friend on a trip like this as well as using common sense. We did have a few moments where we would shout at our satnav (even the one specifically for motorhomes.) It tried to send us down roads that to be honest a bigger than average car would struggle with.

You also need to be prepared to use public transport and or do a lot of walking. We found that most town or village centres in Cornwall were a little on the narrow side. However most had large out of town car parks that more than accommodated for motorhomes.

Time For Bed!

The layout of our Motorhome meant that the big twins shared the double bed above the cab while the little twins shared the bunk in the rear. This left the top bunk for me and chris or the table. The top bunk was ample big enough for myself and Chirs. We would be moving each day so it made sense to not use the table. It meant we didn’t have to dismantle the bed every morning.

Bedding isn’t included in the price of hire but can be added as an extra. The big twins took their sleeping bags. The little two took their own little duvets and pillows and we opted to add extra double set for us. When you do this you also get a couple of towels too.

Mum I’m hungry

We decided on simple meals as with limited space cooking a roast dinner for 6 wasn’t really an option. Even cooking a pizza was a challenge I had to cut them in half to get them on the baking tray. There is a toaster, stovetop kettle oven and Three Rings though. So cooking bacon buttues or beans on toast is ideal. Though there is limited storage for food there is a massive fridge with freezer box for storing those all important icecreams for the kids.

Would We DO It Again?

There were times that we (I) felt a little overwhelmed by being in each other pockets so to speak. Kids that dont know whisper or “forget” to pick up toys can be challenging in a confined space. On the other hand “Camp’ life gave us some amazing memories.

Pulling up to beach side car parks letting the kids have a splash around the rock pools before heading back to a hot chocolate or a warming pie and gravy. Right there at the beach.

Sticking up a portable screen on the side of the motorhome and watching a movie. Which did make us a couple of friends on occasions.

Making friends on camp and being able to let the kids go off to the park on their own.

You dont have the worry of towing and I wouldn’t be able to tow a caravan big enough for us all anyway as I dont have a licence for it. You can drive this motorhome on a normal Category B Licence.

Being in the Motorhome meant we could go out for the day yet didn’t have to buy expensive meals out or have to drive anywhere for lunch, and nap time. We could simply make lunch in the motorhome and then they could nap in bed. The big twins would use this time as they do at home to play minecraft together while me and Chris had a cuppa and did a little work or some reading.

I would so love to do this again. The freedom of booking into a different site every couple of nights or so is great for exploring a large area like Devon and Cornwall. Infact I’m already planning our next road trip already. Where to next year? Scotland or Wales?

Just Go Anywhere

We booked our Motorhome hire from the lovely people at Just Go. We paid for our hire ourselves however in return for a few posts and review they kindly gifted us our second driver for free. Which means both myself and Chris got the pleasure of driving our home on wheels through the stunning Cornwall countryside. 

There is often offers on their website and securing your hire is so easy with a small deposit. So your next adventure could also be a road trip similar to ours. There are Motorhomes from 2 berths right up to 6 berth like ours.

I hope this is helpful if you are looking at booking your next adventure if you need to know anymore head over to the Just Go Website or send me a message and I will try and answer the best I can.

Nina, Chris & The Kids

All thoughts are our own and we only work with brands and companies that are a fit with our family and lifestyle.


Happy new (School) Year Goals & Plans for Autumn/ Winter 2019

As more and more children head back to school for the new school year it becomes apparent to me that for most parents or teachers September and the start of a new school year is actually more of a new start than the actual new year in January. I feel exactly the same way.

So what does this new start New school year hold for the The Spencers?

During the Summer I love to sit down on a naptime (or quite time for the big twins) with a notepad and plan the rest of the year. This year most of the planning was done while quiet time happened on our road trip.

Holidays & Outings


One big adventure we have planned is mine and chris’s 10th wedding anniversary trip. I’m excited and anxious to be leaving the kids at home for a week in December. They will be staying with the grandparents during our trip while we head to New York. I have wanted to go to New York for most of my adult life I really want to see the famous Rockefeller christmas tree and witness winter in the city.

Every year at new year we usually head off to Lanzarote to celebrate there and I hoping to take this trip again but we will need to see if we can get some cheap flights as at the moment they are just so expensive.


Chris and I also have a few lone theatre trips booked in. This month is Brydon, Mack and Mitchell at Sheffield which I hope will be a hilarious date night out. Later in the year is The Entertainer which stars Shane Richie. I have no Idea what this is going to be like but as a fan of Shane I think it will be a hit. I also have a trip with girlfriends to see the emotional rollercoaster that is The Girls. It will be my 4th time seeing this musical. Each time there has been slight changes and updates to the performances. With Gary Barlow being the co writer and producer though I’m sure it will still tell the amazing story of those brave Women’s Institute girls the best it can.

Memory Making

After our road trip we made a plan to spend as much time as we can outdoors and doing the things that fill our memory banks. Both for me and Chris and the kids. One of the things that we really loved on our trip was pulling up at the beach and jumping in the rock pools then heading back to the motorhome for a hot chocolate. So we are now on a mission to find a beachside carpark that we can pull into thats not too far from home.

During the colder months our van side cinema nights will be replaced by movie nights in our cinema room. Toasting marshmallows and BBQ’s will turn into Hot chocolates and Autumn snack platters in the living room surrounded by blankets and cushions.


I have decided that I need to do something a little more than just trying to eat healthy. So as of this week I will be joining Slimming World in the hope that it will support me to eat better and lose a bit of weight. Alongside this I hope to get back into my 20 min walk a day and swimming 3 times a week. When the summer holidays descend I struggle to find the time to head out and never feel motivated enough to exercise at home. That said we did lots of walking while we were on our trip which I really enjoyed When i didn’t have a toddler to carry!

Simplify and Organization

These dont necessarily go hand in hand however I believe from simplifying routines and belongings you can feel more organised.

I have talked and talked about decluttering spaces within our house but nothing ever seems to stay that way. Drastic change within the house needs to happen for it to start making an impact.


There are three main areas that I want to declutter and organise The first being the Pantry. The big twins are now in year three which means that school dinners now have to be paid for. Luckily they have asked for packed lunches. By creating a better organised pantry I am hoping the kids will be able to help with making their own lunches.


Next up is My office / Workshop space. I really want to get this up and running this winter. At the moment this space is used for storing rubbish and garden items again there are things in there that need to be decluttered , Old paperwork that can be shredded, toys that can be given to charity, garden equipment that needs a better home. This project is quite a big one really involving replastering, rewiring and a patio door fitting in the long term. For now though I just want to concentrate on getting it empty and usable for the short term.


Finally Toys. We have an abundance of toys that rarely get played with. There are four children in the house and often that means four or at least two of most things. While we were away the kids made things from stones to play with. They actually played with their toys, They played together most of the time too. I believe the more toys they have the less they play as they feel overwhelmed by choice. There is more I want to talk about on this so at a later date I will post a seperate post about my great Toy Cull.


At the moment and for the foreseeable future there is no way I could go out and get a job. The child care would be astronomical.


So blogging is what I have been focusing on to try and make me a bit of an income. I have recently been think about other forms of income too Something I can do from home.

Social Media Management

One thing is to offer out my social media management skills to local businesses. This is something I need to work on and I would like to take a couple of courses to ensure I can offer the best service.

Public Speaking

To accompany my “Online Life” I have started on a public speaking journey too. I have only given the one talk so far but I have another written up for a keynote at a blogging event in November. I also Need to write up something for the Nottinghamshire Women’s Institute to offer my Social media talk out.


Another thing I wouldn’t mind doing is creating. Before we had kids we made concrete garden ornaments. I loved painting them up for customers. I need to look into what I could make to sell. My dad has a retail yard so could easily sell a few bits through his yard. which I why I need to declutter the office/ Workshop.

Who else thinks back to school feels like a new start? What’s on your to do list for Autumn Winter?

Nina x


Summer Road Trip – Diary – Day Twelve – California Chalet & Touring Park & Country Park

It’s the little twins birthday today though nothing special is planned just exploring the country park that we are staying at.

We woke up quite late today and the little twins woke and immediately found their presents that I had brought with us.

Emotional Day

It’s quite an emotional day for myself and Chris to be honest. I feel excited for the little twins birthday but anxious and emotional about the suvivorversary of The placenta percreata. It’s a hard one and I guess we just have to take time to heal still. I’m sure as the years countdown and the twins grow up things will ease but for now, Today , I spent a good half hour in the shower alone crying.

On to making good memories for the day. Once we had all got ready and dressed for the day it was almost lunch. We headed out to find the splash pool and play park in the country park.

California Country Park

The park is walking distance from the campsite. It looks a little like a building site at the moment as they are putting in new seating areas and better car parking facilities.

We head straight for the play areas. The big kids head to a woodland assault course and the little two to the slide then the ship climbing frame.

It wasn’t long before mason saw the splash pool and was demanding his swim clothes on.

A good hour of splashing in the freezing pool and then we decide to have a bit of lunch in the Jacksons cafe before nap time.

While nap time occurs I try and pack up some of the motorhome ready for our early departure in the morning.

Nap time over and it’s back to the pool and park for a while. It stayed open until 6pm we were there until the end. I had to drag the kids away.

Back to the Motorhome for our last night and the Twins Birthday night. It’s time to eat up everything in the fridge and cupboard.

We end the day and holiday with another cinema night. It really is these moments That I hope stay with us for a long time. Definitely something we want to try and do more of on weekends.

Nina, Chris & The Kids x
