What Makes A Great Christmas Advert?

I’ve seen my fair share of Christmas adverts. Some starting as far back as September.

But what makes a good Christmas Advert?

I normally vote for the ones that have a story, are memorable, the ones that’s scream Christmas.

Remember this one?

Or …

What if I say “the holidays are coming ,the holidays are coming….”

That advert has to be one of the most iconic Christmas adverts of all time.

But what is it that makes a good Chritmas advert?

Well for me

  • Children singing – One child is great but a whole school choir will get me every time.
  • Nostalgia – Anything where I can look back on memories gone by.
  • A story – If there is a story to the advert Im more likely to get engrossed.
  • Humour – A little bit of humour can really make an advert memorable.
  • Cuteness – Is there a cuddly creature or toy? Everybody say Ahhhhhh

Ive added some of my favourites in a playlist over on Your Tube.

The best ones  for me in 2018 have to be

Boots – I love it. It really gives me a tear every time I see it!

John Lewis – I’m not a massive Elton fan but seeing the child that receives his piano on chritmas day that piano makes his whole life. floods of tears here

And I cant leave out

Mum: Who are you playing in the school play?

Kid: The Plug

Mum The What???

I just love it!

I asked around  what other people class as their favorite Christmas adverts are and why.

Pink Pear Bear – The John Lewis advert where it fast forwards through time of a woman’s life. It came out when I was pregnant and it made me weep every time but it’s a beautiful advert and reminds me of sitting with my big bump and picturing the future. 

Wanderlust and Wet wipes – 2011 John Lewis advert.  Still makes me cry!

Mums The Nerd I loved The Snowman Love Story – John Lewis. It still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Mrs Hible I loved the John Lewis story of the bear and the Hare. Lily Allen’s song along with the animation was just amazing.

Happy Mummy  John Lewis Man On The Moon – absolutely loved that one.

Sophies Nursery Mine is the Sainsburys one set in WW1 during theChristmas Day truce – so moving!

Ellamental Mama Boots 2018 which features a single mum. Something many companies overlook. As a single mum it’s lovely to see that bond shown loud and proud.

A Rose Tinted world The banned Iceland advert from this year. Important message about how we are wrecking the planet in our lust for palm oil.

Mamma Mummy Mum I love the Iron Bru snowman one, it never fails to make me laugh! And lets be honest, Christmas is all about putting a smile on people’s faces.

Life In The Mums Lane  Mine is a close contest between Sainsburys WW1 and John Lewis Hare & Bear. Both have a real story andChristmas spirit. Can I have both?

Christmas Playlist

What is your favourite Christmas advert of all time?

Nina x


December Word of the Month!

Oh gosh we are here already! I almost forgot to post this as I hurtled along November oblivious to what the date is!

So Decembers word of the month

The last one – Im not going to continue his in 2019 as Im not really sure anyone even reads it Ha!

My word this month is Gratitude.

December is all about coming together and feeling all the festiveness that it brings. getting caught in the magic the sparkle and the fun!

If we are not careful we can forget to show how grateful we are. we can overwhelm ourselves with sending gifts  that are meaningless.

This Month I want to let everyone around me know just how grateful I am for them!

I’m grateful for having family close by that will have the kids when an opportunity arrises for me to attend an event.

Grateful to my friends who support my anxious moments and keep me grounded with good advise or to the point wit!

Grateful to online friends who get me and have been through similar experiences It really is good to know your not alone!

Grateful that my christmases are now so full and exciting because we are a family and have kids to share the magic with! Christmas is all about the kids isn’t it?


Grateful to my husband who puts up with me. put up with my wrong kind of OCD, my whims, my moans, my low moods and everything else!

So thanks everyone for being in my life and I hope you have an amazing December.

Now anyone for a snowball?

Nina x


2018 A year in review!

Well I hope you’ve all had an amazing Christmas and are ready to head into 2019! Can you believe we are the end of the year already?


So much has happened this year I started the Year poorly with Gallstones since then Ive had my entire Gallbladder removed.

All of the children came down with chicken pox! At least its all over and done with. You can only catch it once right?

I rejoined the spa that I was a member at so that I could start swimming again only to lapse after my gallbladder op!

I also vowed to become healthier and eat better! Again after my gallbladder came out I fell back into old ways.

As soon as the dark nights hit my mental Health deteriorated again and I’m currently working on reducing my stress and actively trying to do things to cut my anxiety!


This year I was adamant that I was going to make the most of life, give our family amazing memories and explore new places.

We started the year at a forest lodge in the middle of Norfolk  Soaking up the forest and hoping in the hottub!

We also headed to the Norfolk coast to the amazing Mill Farm Eco Barn It was such an amazing holiday for all of our family we spent time at the beach, evenings at the arcades playing the slot machines, We ate fish n chips and in true Spencer style took mystery road trips by looking at a map and just driving!

Before the Summer Holidays hit We hopped on a plane to our favorite destination for the littlest twins first holiday abroad. Lanzarote is like our second home!

Towards the end of the summer Holidays we surprised the kids with a train ride to France and more importantly to Disneyland! I think me and Chris were as excited if not more than the kids. Its just so magical.


We took the kids out of school to try our hand at home schooling. there just wasn’t enough hours in the day to get everything done.

I really admire everyone who is on the home school journey but at the moment it’s not for me. I barely have any time while they are at school to get everything done that I want to.

Work, money, Blogging

Ive learnt this year that I’m shit at money. I posted through the year about our family hitting crisis point. In life and in money. Unfortunately barely anything has changed

I really need to get a grip of our finances this new year. It a big source of stress for us all.

I haven’t been consistent enough online to hit those magic “influencer” numbers. I have to realise I have a family and home that come before you all. I remembered through the year though I share our life because I like doing it. I like being creative. I have lost a little of my creativity on my insta grid lately in favour of just getting the post up for consistency. I want to use my creativity more and set up photos yes I know people see this as fake sometimes but I like the creative aspect of it. My dad when I was younger was always playing around with setting up photographs of wine and cheese boards etc.


I think that’s about it for my 2018 round up.

Thanks for joining us this year and being part of our family.

I hope you’ll stick around in 2019 for more chaos, adventures, and creativity.

Happy New Year.

Nina x


Christmas With The Ex

When my husband “Chris” started a conversation the other week with “I know there are 14 for Christmas dinner…” I stopped him in his tracks and said I’ve already thought about it.

My step Sons mum has been quite poorly and she would normally be out on a Christmas Eve while we are having our big family Christmas dinner I thought how she might be home alone on Christmas Eve I thought about what if she came to us?

At one point we didn’t really get on You could say we hated each other. I mean she got together with my childhood crush when I was in full on crush mode. She knew that I had a thing about him and used to avoid us coming into contact with each other if at all possible.

When their marriage ended and I ended up with Chris we were like arch enemies however now we are a few years down the line we have become quite the modern blended family.

We often message each other with things about the boy, When I had my 2014 breakdown she understood and when she’s been poorly I’ve messaged to see how she is.

Ok were not best friends but like it or not we are family!

So I’ve invited her to come for Christmas Lunch – 1 more isn’t going to make much of a difference. Is it?

Some people may see our set up and think that its a little odd but if we can be friends then why not. As I’ve said we are family and we share the boy even if he is 18.

My parents are divorced and I tell you Its so much better now they speak and get on than it ever was when they would relay messages through me. Or when they would slag one another off all the time!

I just think there is enough sadness, and animosity in the world already why not have part of your family over for Christmas lunch even if that family is blended!

Nina X


Odd Socks Day – Monday 12th November

When I was at school I had my fair share of name calling and bitchy comments directed at me.

I can’t say it was full blown bullying even though the names did make me really really sad.

However Bullying is something we are hearing more and more about.

40% of Children experience bullying each year.

Now I have children at school of my own I want to do as much as I can to keep them safe and happy and most importantly teach them to treat people as they want to be treated.

Bullying can affect mental health and can impact children right through their lives.

On Monday 12th November its Odd Socks Day


Its a chance to raise awareness of individuality, Show that being individual is a good thing!

Wear odd socks and  donate to the anti Bullying alliance.

Of course you dont have to donate simply wearing your odd socks to stamp out the stigma of individuality is enough

Is your child

The Anti Bullying Alliance has some top tips for Parents.

  • If your child is being bullied you should reassure them that you can work though this together and that its not their fault.
  • We should teach our Children that whatever the circumstances Bullying is never acceptable.
  • Being bullied doesn’t mean you should retaliate .
  • Taking part in activities that can build your child’s self esteem could be a great way to build confidence and make friends away from the place they are being bullied.




If you need any more information or advise head on over to The Anti Bulling Alliance 

Nina x
