Winter Term Bucket List.

So the kids have gone back to school this morning and I’m starting on my bucket list for this term.

There is 7 school weeks left of 2018 I know I can’t believe it. Where exactly did 2018 go?

There are lots of things I’d like to accomplish before the end of the year most of which are easier when the kids are at school.

So what better way to feel productive than make a list.



  • Move kids rooms. – I’m trying to move the little twins into what is now the big twins rooms and the big twins into bigger rooms that feel more separate in the hope they may not invade each other’s space as much.
  • Finish all the Christmas gifts and get them wrapped. – I always seem to be wrapping on Christmas Eve when I’m trying to also cook dinner.
  • Sort out the kids clothing. – During the last couple of months they seem to have grown a little fast. All four of them and are growing out of clothes.
  • Minimise – I don’t want to be so cluttered and unorganised in 2019 the most important thing I need to decluttering is the kids toys. Especially as I know they will be bombarded with stuff again at Christmas.


  • Hit vlogmas. – For the past few years I’ve been doing vlogmas it’s where I started my YouTube channel even if I was very nervous and a little bit quiet. This year I’d like to make my December Vlogs feel super cosy and festive and and feel like I’m as good as some of those other mummy bloggers out there.
  • Create a better schedule for myself. I want to stick a little better to a work/ life schedule. I think I’m getting there I just need some little tweaks.
  • Reach out. – Send out some emails to potential companies that I’d love to work with in 2019. Fingers crossed someone would love to work with me.

That’s my bucket list for the winter term.

I’ve not put down any family related things as I don’t really have anything I really want to do. It’s not like the summer is it where you plan trips to the seaside or days out as you never can quite predict the weather.

Wish me luck. I’ll check back at the end of term.

Do you find it helpful to write a bucket list like this or do you prefer to go with the flow?

I’m such a list person.

Nina x


Its Just Too Much

A couple of years ago during half term we put up decorations for halloween we went to a halloween party and decorated halloween themed pots then we threw our own halloween party then back to school on Monday fully halloweened out but we still had trick or treat to do! I wasn’t really bothered but the kids were excited!


I love the idea the actual going out, getting dressed up & the kids enjoying the feel of it!

Sometimes though it seemed too much! Halloween is catching up with Christmas the events, the parties, the decorations. before we know it we will be planning Halloween in June like we plan Christmas in July!

And don’t get me started on the sweets and the cries of just one more house. No kids i cant feel my fingers I’m Freezing!

Christmas is just around the corner and if they ate one sweet a day until Xmas day they would still have too many left! and they are bound to get more for xmas!

Over the years we have spent a lot on decorating and entertaining. We now need to find somewhere to put it all until each year – Another corner of the loft taken up by decorations that only come out once a year and are no doubt going to be added to as new decorations will go on sale in aug and we will see new things. Only remembering after we have done our halloween haul what we had in the loft from last year!

In the news a couple of years ago there was reports of people getting to wrapped up in scaring people. Costumes that are targeted at our children are like something from a horror movie! That seems to have calmed down this year however Scary masks still seem to be the in thing!

Its just getting a bit too much.

But along with the decorations by the summer I will have forgotten all about how overwhelmed I am by Halloween and end up planning a full week of events!



Right now its time for Christmas – There isn’t ever too much Christmas

Nina x

*This post was first published November 2016 and has since been reedited and made more up to date for this year! 


November Word Of The Month

November is one more step closer to Christmas.  Not far away from a brand new year!

Its time for getting ready for the festive month ahead.

Copy of Clumber day out (3)

This months word is going to be ‘Gather’

Gather gifts ready for Christmas.

I have already bought and stored a few but I really want to get on top of buying gifts this year I hate it when I still have things to wrap on Christmas eve!

Gather thoughts to calm the anxiety that has been building over the past few weeks.

If you follow my instagram you will have seen that my anxiety has been making an appearance over the last few weeks. I really need to take some time to gather my thought, breath and be more mindful.

Gather with family to reconnect a little as this is something that has been lacking lately. Chris works so many hours and works away a quite a bit. when he gets home he is tired and stressed out from his work we need to take some time out together. I also think the big twins are feeling pushed out a little with the little twins taking up so much of our time. I also want to try and reconnect with them.

So gather is my word this month!

What  is your word for this month? what plans do you have for November? Leave a comment let me know.

Catch you soon

Nina x


October recap. Anxiety, Christmas,

Oh October. You’ve had some highs and lows.

With Autumn colds and snuffles hitting us hard in the house the boiler breaking wasn’t welcomed I can tell you.


Then when mason decided to take a bath in some bleach my anxiety hit the roof and we all fell out.


Hopefully we’re getting back together now and lessons have been learned. Thankfully no one was hurt except mummy’s anxiety.

But this month has seen.

Christmas a Christmas fair, Halloween shenanigans, a sciencey trip to London and a footbally trip to Manchester.

It has seen me embracing cleaning rather than dreading it. Using the organised mum method,


I’ve also managed a few early mornings to give me some space to enjoy a cuppa alone.

We ended October with a trip to the theatre and trick or treating.


Wow what a busy month.

I’m excited for the November and December. Christmas is such a busy and magical time for us.

Nina. X

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October Videos


Surviving the half term.

Ok many of you have already broke for half term but for us. We are not quite there yet.

The last week lurgy seems to have hit the house including me. If it doesn’t go soon a fear that I may be poorly for half term.

Four children in a house for a week will get a little stressy I feel.

I’m creating a plan using the tips below to try and remain calm during half term.

So here are my tips to surviving the autumn half term.

  1. Get outside. Even if you feel full of cold. Do your best, wrap everyone up warm if you have to. If it’s wet get those wellies out. But get outside. Fresh air really tire people out and it is so good for everyone’s wellbeing. Even if you just head to the local farm for eggs, or walk round the block looking for the last of the conkers or to splash in puddles. Anything to get out.

  2. Soft play. – I know I know. It can be hellish in the holidays. But it saves them climbing on your sofas. You could take a book or your laptop and get a bit of work done. If you find a soft play with good coffee you on to a proper winner.

  3. Craft Box. – ok wait. Hear me out. Get out some paper on the kitchen table or floor. Let them create some autumn pictures or Halloween crafts. Use their own imagination. Maybe put some ideas on your iPad and show them a couple of they are older ones. They could be left alone while you wash pots or put a load of washing in. At the end you can just scoop up the newspaper and create minimal mess.

  4. Snack & Meal Plans. – if you already have plans in place and snacks at the ready you won’t have to deal with hangry kids. I think that’s enough said!

  5. Quiet time. – catch some quite time. I have 14 month old twins as well as my 6 year old twins. We try and get quiet time nap times. Put a movie on or let them have their iPads for an hour or so in an afternoon. Movie afternoons could be complimented by hot chocolate and popcorn.

  6. Online shop. I don’t know about you be my four are a bit of a nightmare to take shopping all at once. If i need to do a grocery shop. I try and book an online shop. It’s so much easier than trying to think what I need with children want want wanting all around the store.

  7. Local events. Search through Facebook or the local paper and see what events are happening nearby.

  8. Tea party. – I’ve spoken about food and hangry kids. But why not supersede your kids with a little tea party. Maybe a Halloween themed one. With spooky snacks and spider balloons.

  9. Breakfast in bed. Before the little twins came along there was nothing my big twins liked more than when I made tea and a plate full of toast and brought a tray up to my bed for a lazy breakfast.

  10. Go with the flow. Life is always an adventure in our house I always try to make a plan but sometimes as I’ve said people fall ill or have a bad night. So I try and go with the flow. See how everyone is feeling. Throw out the meal plans, get in the car and head to McDonalds instead.


Leave in the comments what you le top tips Are for surviving the holidays.

Nina. X
