Last week I posted about turning 38 and only have two years until I hit the big 40!
I’ve mentioned before that I have bad habits when it comes to eating and exercise.
When we hit 40 it is easier to gain weight and we have to work harder to get fit!
40 is often classed as middle-aged and can bring on such things as aching joints and bone loss.
I am really not in a good shape. Although I try to swim a couple of times a week and am often found chasing twins I could do with fitting in more exercise.
So with only two years to go before it gets harder to get fit I am taking stock and finding out what my starting point is!
I mean the past year or so has been a bit of a health rollercoaster. I’ve had more blood tests and observations done than I care to remember but there were just two on my list that I needed to know for my getting fit for forty mission.
My stats at the start of my mission.
Cholesterol 6.0 (Average for the UK is 5.7) *Drs blood test
Diabetes 37 ( This is within the normal range) *Drs Blood test
Waist circumference 112cm (Anything over 80cm and you should try and lose weight anything over 88cm and your at high risk) *NHS Website
BMI 31.5 (Obese) Ideal 18.5 – 24.9
Body Fat 43.8 % Ideal 25-32%
Muscle Mass 45.9% (Normal 24 – 30)
Bone Mass 2.4% (Average 3-5%)
Hydration 41.1% (Ideal 45-60)
Visceral Fat 11 (1-12 Healthy anything over 12 is excessive)
The last few measurements were done on the Activ8rlives Body Analyser so I’m not sure how accurate they are but I work better working to a goal so have decided that these are what I will aim to change!
So with this all in mind I need to work on lowering my cholesterol, lower my waist circumference and drop my BMI and my body fat!
The plan
Healthy Eating
Plan healthy meals for the week including breakfast and lunch so that we don’t turn to fast food or processed food.

How will this fit in with our family’s travel plans?
Well while we are traveling we often book into AirBNB so that means we have a kitchen to cook and prepare healthy foods.
This needs to be a lifestyle choice though not just a diet. This has to be something that can be followed for the rest of my life. Leading a good example to my children.
So if we are on holiday and are visiting a the beach where there is an ice-cream parlour I will have an ice cream. I will sometimes have a cake and coffee with friends.
It just means that 70% of the time I will choose the healthy way and the rest I can have a treat.
Healthy to me means Home made from scratch where ever you can using fresh ingredients anything that is bought in a packet should have less than 5 ingredients.
Also a good rule is looking at a packets nutritional info
I use the fat and of which sugar should be under 10g’s in any 100g’s .
This is a hard one for me. I struggle to fit in a workout with 4 children and trying to run a business.

My goal is to have a workout every day for at least 30 mins a day 5 times a day.
I would like to think that I can achieve 5 mornings of yoga each week too.
Mental Health.
I know we are mainly focusing on physical health however my mental health has always been up and down.

For improving my Mental Health the above will make a difference anyway. But on top of this I want to add things that will add to a positive wellbeing.
- Journaling
- Creative activities
- Eliminating stress
- Stepping out of my comfort zone a little.
I will try and update regularly on here.
I will also add posts to Instagram using the hashtag #ARCfitfor40
If you fancy joining me use this # and I will repost some of your posts on my instagram stories.
If you have any tips for keeping up my will power to do this let me know.
Also spam me with your realistic mum fitness blogs, vlogs.
Let’s do this.
Nina x