Jessops Superheros Walk

As you all know back in Aug 2017 my younger twins were born via cesarian hysterectomy. I was diagnosed only two weeks previous to the op with a life threatening pregnancy complication placenta percreta.


If you are new to the blog and want to know about my traumatic birth story head over to the posts and have a look.

My Pregnancy & Birth Story 

A few days after my diagnosis I  was admitted to The Jessops Wing at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals.

During the time I was there My husband was allowed to stay with me. There was no way I would have stayed sane without him.

The staff were amazing. Not only to me but also my husband and anyone that came to visit me in the month I was there.

The level of care was brilliant.

I have mentioned before how grateful I am to all the staff that cared for me especially  Dr Ruth Newton & Mr Farkas Dr Ruth who was with me from day one and came to see me every day until I was discharged. When I went down for my second op She cancelled her evening plans so that she could take me down to theatre and be there for my op!

I owe my life and my babies lives to the staff at Jessops

Which Is why I have signed up to take part in the Jessops Superheros Walk on Sunday 10th June 2018.

Myself, Hubby, & all the kids including the teen (who was told I didn’t care what film was coming out that day it was more important for him to be at that walk because those heros saved my life.) will be walking with other families around Graves park in Sheffield.

The route is 2.5 KM

I would like to raise £1000 which is nothing compared to the care I received.

Please Please help me to get to my fundraising goal and head over to my Just Giving page to sponsor me & my Family to join this amazing event that supports and shows appreciation  to the staff at Jessops.

You can sponsor us by clicking the button below.

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!

Or you can text ARCS75 and your donation amount to 70070



Why I Am A Member Of The WI.

I’m a member of the WI, this statement often gets met with “YOU?” “Why are you a member of the WI?”

I’m not really an advert for what you would think of the WI I love crafting but really I suck at most things – They just look like a child’s creation.

I’m not really a Homey person, tidying up is not my strong point.

You just have to look at my insta the other day when I tried to make rock cakes with the kids, They turned out like biscuits?? I sill don’t know what went wrong.


So yeh maybe that why they wonder why I am a member


It turns out you don’t have to be good at these things, You can be just who you are.

You don’t have to know the words to Jerusalem off by heart or know how to make Jam.

You don’t even have to bake a Victoria sponge with exact precession, our WI doesn’t even do cakes at tea time we do tea & biscuits ( I know it disappoints me sometimes too!)

What we do is camaraderie. We do fun, We do crafting without rules, We do friendship.

I and a group of friends get to ditch the hubbys & kids one night a month and listen to a speaker or take part in a craft or activity while mingling with other women. We learn new things, we drink hot tea and gossip about the world. It’s bloody fabulous.

Occasionally we get to go to other events Like tea & tents or I even went to London travel paid to take part in a workshop about the members website.

It a great place to learn, to take part in things I wouldn’t necessarily try if I didn’t go to WI.

But more than all of that….

Last August I posted a picture on the Tea & Tents Page (For those that don’t know Tea and Tents is an unofficial camp In Walesby for only WI members. But that’s another post entirely) Any way I posted on there that I was sat in the hospital with my low-lying placenta percreta. 

I was overwhelmed with the amount of well wishers that offered to give me company in the hospital, offered to cook a home cooked meal if i got sick of hospital food they even offered my hubby a place to stay close to the hospital if he wasn’t allowed to stay with me.

After my op I managed to check back on Facebook. It was a while after but there were so many notifications asking how I was and how the babies were doing. As I said I was overwhelmed.


This! This is why I’m in the WI

If you fancy joining the WI head to the main website and see what WI is around you.


Nina x


And Just Like That It Was March…… Word Of The Month

February has been and gone in the blink of an eye.

The word for February was Recover – Recover from my gallbladder op, All the kids recovery from chicken pox.

I did do a little too much to soon during February lifting the babies before I was really ready. Im now 4 and half weeks post op and I think im well on the road to recovery, My stomach muscles are still a little sore as is my cut on my bra line however I think I’m through the worst.

On to March

The word of the month for March is going to be Planning.

This month I have lots of exciting things i need to plan for.

  • Planning for my blog – I have lots of ideas  for posts but I need to email brands, do some work to improve my engagement, and work out which way I am going with it in the future.
  • Planning for getting back in front of the camera – I really want to get back into vlogging and making videos, I took a break while I was pregnant and now dont seem to have the confidence to star up again.
  • Planing for Home educating – Yup. I’m going to be taking the kids out of school so we can explore the world around us a little and visit different places.
  • Planning some road trips – We have a few trips planned already but want to get some more road trips planned now we have a bigger car & more time out of term time to travel.
  • Planning new home schedules – Now I am feeling better the house needs to get into some sort of order creating schedules helps me to fit everything in.
  • Planning a christening  or two maybe? – I suppose I better get the Summer Twins christened. Lets get on Pinterest and get planning!


So as you can see lots of planning to be done. lets get cracking

Nina x


Vow To Be The Perfect Parent?

Last week we went to watch Jason Manford. He was hilarious however one of his jokes really resonated with me. I suppose that’s why I find him so funny, the jokes are funny because they are true.

The joke was set up around the fact that everyone has two versions of our self. The version on the right being the one that is perfect, drives well, doesn’t swear, keeps fit and is the best parent in the world.

Then there’s the one on the left, the person we actually are. the road rage driver, the sweary Mc’sweary pants, the one who eats junk food on the way home from the gym. the parent that shouts, and loses patience with our children. The parent that gives them the electronic baby sitter just to get a cuppa, the one who wishes they could be that perfect parent 24 hours a day.

Unfortunately non of us are perfect, not one. If someone thinks they are or says they are they are lying.

What’s the point I’m trying to make?

Well its like this a few weeks ago a boy local to us was tragically knocked down on his way home from school the boy was only a few years older than my eldest two. The boy was taken to hospital but could not be saved.

When this happened a lot of parents I know and myself said we would vow to become better parents, not shout at their kids so much, teach them the dangers of the world but not scare them in the process, they would keep a closer eye on their children. a week or two passed and although the boy hasn’t been forgotten about the vows to be that perfect parent had.

Until last week!

Last week a girl Jake & Melody went to nursery with died suddenly. She was 6 years old. her life ahead of her. Her dad is an old school friend of mine and is still good friends with my cousin. The girl was 6. SIX years old. I can’t even begin to think how her mum and dad are feeling.

Also last week an old school friend of mine died of cancer. (She had battled it for years) She was obviously not a child in the sense of age but her mum is still her mum and in her eyes she was still her child! Her mum once said to me “you know what, she sometimes just rings me to go round so that she can sit on my knee for a cuddle!”

Again I just can’t imagine and pray, to whoever, I never have to go through the loss of a child.

But these tragedies always bring our right hand self to the front of our brains the one who wants to be perfect.

The past week or so, me and hubby have vowed to be a better parent, the one who doesn’t yell, the one who says yes, The perfect parent with kids who have brushed hair & teeth and a decent breakfast in their bellies before they go to school, all without shouting.

As I said before no one is perfect. This idea of a perfect parent is great in principle but life gets in the way. We often shout to protect our children, like when they are about to walk into the road, or climb up a wall that’s too high. Our own fears kick in and we shout. Sometimes we get upset as our children have broken a toy that cost a lot of money, our emotions kick in and we shout because of the money that has been lost now the toy is broken.

The trouble is once we have shouted we get mum or dad guilt that we’ve upset our kids, or guilt that some people would give anything to be able to have that school run stress with their child.

That said I do want to be a better parent, I want to stop shouting, swearing, and be present more. especially when we start our new home education journey. When we are together a lot more of the time we are bound to have disagreements but we all need to be in a better place in order to deal with them.

Here are 5 ways I think I can be the better parent (Remember I said better, not perfect. There is no such thing)


Me – Being tired is a big contributor to my “shouty” me. Sometimes lack of sleep can’t be avoided as a parent but I need to try to get a better nights sleep.

Kids – If the kids are tired they get whingy, I need to make sure they also get enough sleep.


Me – When I am trying to do something either on my phone or laptop I know I can lose patience, especially if what I’m trying to do doesn’t go well or needs a lot of concentration. I need to start doing these tasks when the kids are in bed, or are engrossed in their own tasks

Kids – Screen time needs to be limited, they often get into something and then don’t listen when they are asked to do something. or they get upset when I say it’s time to switch off.


Me – I already know that being outdoors is better for my wellbeing and therefore I am a much better person for getting outside. If I’ve had time in the outdoors I am less stressed and more present.

Kids – Kids often feel penned in when they haven’t been able to play outside. I need to make more of an effort to get out even if the weather is not great.


Instead of constantly shouting orders and instructions,   I need to explain why things can be  dangerous. Set up routines so the kids know what is expected, use other ways to discipline other than shouting.

Dont Stress

Try to keep stress to a minimum, I know this can be hard, but it will help to stay calmer in heated situations.

But also try not to stress when you do have a moment of being that left-sided you. The you that just can’t help but shout. Make sure afterwards you explain what made you mad or sad. Explain that sometimes we all become that left sided person and that’s ok.

I hope those connected to the recent tragedies can one day find light, I just want them to know they are thought about each and every day.

Nina x


Dreaming of .. Spring Wardrobe with FatFace

Although without a doubt my favourite time of year is Christmas, I can’t wait for spring/ Summer to arrive now. I’m longing to wear my flip flops. Not only does warmer weather mean less in the washing basket but for me this year Since having The summer twins & gallstones I have lost a bit of weight. Which brings an opportunity to update my wardrobe somewhat.

One of my favourite high street stores is FatFace. I love the style of their clothing, & the sizing is very generous.

I have a few things on my FatFace wish list at the moment. Here are a few of them.

I love this outfit its great for those cooler days!

What about these Ideal for getting back into sea swimming maybe even in the UK.

What about this outfit for school day style.

I could spend a months wages at FatFace Clothing but just for now I will be picking just a few things off my list.

Whats on your wish list?

Do you love FatFace as much as me?

Nina x

This post has not been sponsored in anyway I just really love the brand.
