Lanzarote – Our second home.

Normally at this time of year, as well as planning Christmas and birthdays we, as a family are normally planning our yearly new year trip to what feels like our second home. That being what we call our “paradise Isle” Lanzarote.

I was asked by Holiday Gems to talk about Lanzarote. I, of course, jumped at the chance. In fact, it’s fired up my love of the island again and so you may see a couple of Lanzarote posts cropping up. One next week about our love for the Festive season over on the Island.


Anyone that knows us will know what this place means to us even going as far as to gatecrash our friends holiday to offer to be their tour guide on “our island”

We love all that Lanzarote has to offer.

  • It’s family friendly
  • The warmth & sunshine.
  • Friends we have made over there.
  • Delicious food in some amazing restaurants.
  • Just the whole relaxed feel of the island.

Our first visit to Lanzarote was back in 2010 back then it was just my self and hubby, we called it our honeymoon even though it was nearly a year after we had got married.

I got so emotional on that trip. The landscape was so dramatic. The history of the island really got under my skin.

We spent a lot of our holiday looking at show homes and planning how we would move there and what we could do to earn money when we got there.

Forward to December 2012 and we were parents to a set of nearly one-year-old twins.

We decided it was time to go back and visit the island we fell in love with on our honeymoon.

Lanzarote is great for family’s as well as couples. We had an amazing week again. Since then we have gone back every year sometimes up to 4 times a year!

We have stayed in some amazing resorts & Towns

Playa Blanca / Marina Rubicon

This is located in the south of the island, here you will find amazing beaches like Papagayo – where we are yet to go! But our friends who live on Lanzarote tell us that it’s amazing. Also in Playa Blanca is a beautiful marina, with a shopping centre that keeps improving each year we have been. There is a market at the marina twice a week. Where you can find lots of bargains but be careful of the “fakes”. Playa Blanca hosts one of the islands water parks and lots of amazing restaurants. The last time we were there, there was a lovely little Waffle House on the corner of the main shopping street.

Puerto Del Carmen / Matagorda

Here is one of the busier resorts. Though it still feels a great place for our family.

There is a shopping centre, The Biosphere Centre, with a range of shops and plenty of places to eat after all that shopping. If you find yourself at the Biosphere after dark there is the RoofTop Cinema & 6d cinema experience or the new crazy golf area.

Along what is called the strip are an abundance of restaurants and shops. One of the eating places is run by The sister of a friend of mine who lives on the island. Here you can watch the football, or join in with the entertainment they have on that evening.

Another favourite place we like to eat is in the old town of Puerto del Carmen. The restaurant we normally opt for is La Serena. Opposite is a play park that is gated, so safe to let the kids on to play while in a morning you enjoy a coffee, or in the evening a glass of wine or a cerveza (beer)

In Puerto del Carmen there is lots of beach to make use of, whether that for sunbathing or castle building.

There are other resorts on the island that we have visited but not yet stayed. Like Costa Teguise and Puerto Calero.

We have however stayed in a couple of the more local towns like Tias & Playa Honda.

We love to stay in these towns and act like we are one of the locals, though I’m sure we stick out as tourists like a sore thumb.

Around the island, there are many places to visit like the volcano -Timanfaya and bus tour, The caves made by the lava that flowed when one of the volcanoes erupted around 4000 years ago and The home of the islands famous artist Cesar Manrique. To name a few.


One thing our kid’s love, is to try out new play parks. I once joked we were travelling the island one play park at a time.

As the island is such a family friendly place there are play parks dotted around in most places.

A typical day for us when we are there starts with a trip to the cafe, then head to the play park with our take-out coffee, juice and a sandwich or croissant with ham & cheese. And usually ends with a cuppa and a cake at a cafe with a play park.

I could talk about “our island” all day so if you’re planning a trip there and want to ask me anything drop in the comments and I’ll answer the best I can.

Next year we are planning to take a couple of trips to Lanzarote to introduce our newest twins to our second home.

Recently I have found Holiday Gems a travel service that can help you to find your perfect holiday.

They asked me to collaborate with them on this post to let you know about them and about my family’s favourite place to make memories.

I’m going to head off to their site now and check out the great deals they have for our next Lanzarote Holiday.

look out for more Lanzarote posts coming up in the future.


Nina x

Thank you, Holiday Gems for collaborating with me on this post.



Finding the magic this christmas with Portable North Pole

So I posted a couple of days ago about traditions, I did miss one of our most magical traditions out!

A video message from the big man himself – Father Christmas.

As a family, we are Christmas mad, how could we not be with 3 birthdays & a wedding anniversary all in December. So December for us is already pretty amazing.

Sometimes though we just need that extra little bit of magic.

We have used The Portable North Pole website since the Christmas twins were born.

Its such a magical experience to receive a video from Santa, I love to see the kids reactions when Santa knows their name and age.

Santas’ voice is so very warm and friendly. The videos are an amazing way to find the magic at Christmas.

There is now a PNP app for your Android or Apple phone and tablet.

This year they have a reaction Cam on the videos when you watch through the app and save the videos for years to come.

I should have had it on myself I was in tears watching the magic unfold!

Unfortunately, the quality of the video isn’t very good as Melody wanted to hold the phone herself.

It doesn’t ditract from the magic I feel when I play the video though.

I can’t wait to “receive’ some more videos from the big man.

There are loads to choose from including a birthday message. which we will definitely be using come the twins Birthday.

On the site, there are loads of videos to chose to receive as well as telephone calls!

Portable North Pole has a couple of free videos the rest you can access with a magic pass The magic pass gives you access to all the premium videos on the site and at only £9.99 I think its totally worth it. With the very special code at the bottom of this post, you can get 20% off your magic pass

To keep the Magic going, now in conjunction with John Lewis & Amazon, you can purchase PNP branded gifts and toys.

From Elves and reindeer to Puzzles and a good deed jar! Each gift includes a unique code to access a free Special unique video from the PNP site.


I so love the Portable North Pole and the magic it creates for our family.

I do hope you get as much from it as we have gotten.

Nina x

Discount code for 20% off the PNP gold Pass

This post is not sponsored however I did receive a gold pass in order to write the post!

30 Reasons – December will pass you by in a flash!

Its already December and already I have missed a million things off my todo list already.

December is always so busy. We have three birthdays two on the same day (that’s what happens when you have twins!) An anniversary (ours – 8 years this year) As well as everything else that comes along this time of year!


There is never enough time to fit everything in! I would love to simplify this time of year but with 4 children it’s hard!

Here are 30 reasons why December runs away with you

1. Take in Xmas dinner options form to school

2. wake up at 1am Shit move the elf.

3. Attend town lights switch on

4. Wrestle children who want to go on another ride.

5. Pay over the odds for a ride that lasts about a second.

6. Line up to visit Santa

7. Reassure kids that the Santa in front of them isn’t their school caretaker.

8. Learn lines with kids for school nativity/gang show.

9. Write Xmas cards

10. Sit with kids while they write Xmas cards

11. Take over from kids when they’ve had enough of writing Christmas cards

12. Realise you’ve not bought that elusive gift yet.

13. Search every store online only to see its out of stock.

14. Panic buy a turkey as it’s already Dec 5th and they may run out before the big day.

15. Realise you have a kids birthday party to organise before Xmas

16. Shit realise it’s hubbys birthday before that.

17. Panic buy a load of tat for hubby as feeling guilty you’ve not yet bought anything

18. Go back to planning kids party

19. Visit another Santa

20. Explain that the Santa they saw before was really just a helper. And this one is, in fact, the real one.

21. Get annoyed that no one was smiling in Santa pic. In fact, one child was picking their nose.

22. Get slightly tippsy with other mums at kids birthday party.

23. Omg, tidy up after kids party.

24. Get back on to Xmas day planning

25. Get the timings all wrong on Xmas dinner. Cold Brussels & lumpy mash again then?

26. Throw away your own body weight in gift wrap

27. Weep at how your family are amazing

28. Have a snooze

29. Have a bath with all of your new smellys

30. Get sad that it’s all over and pine for next year when you promise you will plan December better & not so rushed.


Nina x


It’ll be Lonely this Christmas.

In the news last week was an article that made me shed a tear or two.

It’s something that really pulls at my heart.


It’s being lonely. It’s an awful feeling to be alone. At Christmas time it can be even worse. It can bring back memories of family members long gone, feelings of sadness that you no longer have that magic during the festive season.

The report says almost one million older people will be alone this Christmas.

I really hope that when I get to old age my family will still be around and will never let me feel lonely.

What can we do to help??

  • Volunteer to become a befriender with a charity like age.
  • Keep an eye out for elderly neighbours – Drop them some mince pies in on Xmas eve, or offer to pick up some shopping.
  • Say hello to someone in the street, ask how they are and listen to their response.
  • Make an extra meal and take it to someone you know are on their own.
  • Offer to do some household jobs like changing a bulb, or taking out the bin on bin day.
  • At this time of year why not offer to put up some decorations and take them down again at the end of the festive period.
  • Wrap them up a gift. A hamper could be a good idea if you don’t know them very well.

Whatever you do to help will not only benefit them but helping others can contribute to your own sense of wellbeing!

I’m personally going to wrap a couple of hampers for local people and deliver them with the kids.

I want to show them that it’s important not to forget people especially at this time of year.


Nina x

Places to volunteer

Age UK

Contact The Elderly 

Royal Voluntary Service 




Grateful Sunday #6

Welcome to week 6 of my weekly list of things I am grateful for or that are making me happy this week!

I’ve decided to start a daily gratitude list.


I have done it before both on my own and as a family – We would send our list to each other (Myself Hubby & Stepson) via our family messenger group! It really helped especially when hubby worked away and with stepson only being here at weekends anyway!

Gratitude lists or journals can really benefit your mental health. They help you focus on the good things of the day, give you 5 – 10 minutes of calm, and when you’re having a bad day you can look back and see all the good things you have written in the past!

To keep me accountable for writing out my list I will post a few of the top things I’ve been grateful for each week!

This week December has come which means there are loads to be grateful for the lights, the excitement of the children, the shopping and loads more.

Here are a few of my grateful moments this week.

My List for Sunday 3rd December 2017

  • A quiet day planning for exciting things in 2018
  • My dad fetching my Christmas Tree
  • I managed through the night feed & during the morning school run chaos on my own!
  • My Step Son coming over to help decorate the tree.
  • Our brilliant Dr for fitting little Miss J in for an appointment to give her the once over -No Chest infection Just a cold!
  • Family friends for getting Little Miss J & little Mister M their first tree ornament.
  • An hour just for me to get my eyebrows & lip waxed (Yep lip I’ve reached an age where it needs doing people) along with a massage & a sneaky coffee
  • A voucher for the above received from friends for my birthday but wasn’t able to use until now!
  • Volunteers from the lovely Chesterfield Canal Trust for giving up their time to run trips – We had a lovely time on the Santa trip. We even got to steer the boat!


The Chesterfield Canal runs for 46 miles. It is known as the most varied and beautiful waterways in England.

The canal runs through Nottinghamshire, South Yorkshire & Derbyshire.

The Chesterfield Canal Trust is run entirely by volunteers and they have restored 12 miles of the canal, including 37 locks, 11 bridges and developed two marinas.

To find out more including the various trips along the canal head over to their website. 

Don’t forget to leave a comment below with what your grateful for this week.

See you all next week.

Nina x

This post has not been sponsored all opinions are my own

I just have a keen interest in boats and the canal!
