Wicked Wednesday – It’s Time To Get Up Mummy!!!

So I’m laying in bed at around 6.15am my alarm will go off in 15 mins Ill just shut my eyes a little while when …………


These two munchkins come into my room demanding I wake up as the sun is out so it must be morning!

Noooooooo its tooo early I can’t have my 15 ok 30 mins to myself scrolling through instagram & facebook.

Put these on I say the sun wont be out then. have a little bit of a snooze in mummy’s bed.

I think the novelty of them was too much as after this picture they were wide awake jumping about and asking for jaffa cakes for breakfast!

Aghhh! arh well I’m awake now I can always have a nap later when they are at school learning about Biff, Chip & Kipper!


Thins post is linked on Brummy Mummy of 2’s #wickedwednesday 





Screen Free Tuesday #linky

Good Morning,

Welcome to my updated screen free linky

Ok so a month has gone by and I have to say I’ve struggled with trying to dedicate weekends as screen free!

I have however found ways to cut down screen free time throughout the week!

The kids have started full-time  back to school now and that means we have a brand new routine.

The past week I have cut out tv before J & Ms bedtime instead they are having half an hour tv or tablet time when they get in from school while I prepare dinner.

Then once its dinner time that’s it. We don’t have screens in a morning either.

So at a weekend we let them have tablet time in a morning while we try to have a little lie in.


So New linky rules


  • Link up a blog post of your choice either how you have had screen free time over the past week, tips for screen free time or activities to do during screen free time.
  • Link will be live 8am Tuesday – 8pm the following Monday
  • Posts should be your own work.
  • Only one post per person please.
  • It’s only fair that we share the linky love by commenting on at least two other posts.
  • I will feature one blogger each week in my post so unplug those cables & let’s have some screen free time.

Share your posts on Twitter or Instagram using the #screenfreetuesdays  @readyforacuppa I will try to comment & retweet each one



Memories Leak From My Eyes

Tonight I stood in the passageway between what used to be my Nan’s (now my mums) house and her neighbours. I thought about all the times I had played with a ball against the wall. And the times my Nan’s neighbour had come out and told me to stop banging on her wall.



It’s funny how memories catch us unawares.


Both my Nan and her neighbour now gone.

I sometimes have moments like this. Things like a smell, a memorable building, or song can bring on these memories.

Sometimes we fear those moments but they are often because of good memories of a certain person. We have to acknowledge them, acknowledge that life moves on.

Memories, Even the ones that leak out of our eyes means we have lived.

We have to remember that nothing is forever but those memories are there because we have loved someone or something!

Remember when you are making memories with your children they last a lifetime. Make them good ones.

This post first Appeared on Meet Other Mums 

Meet Other Mums is a great platform for sharing stories & for meeting other like minded mums from your area!




AWOL – September Blog Plans

Good Morning everyone,

I have to apologise that the past two weeks I have been Absent from my blog & Youtube channel .

What with this awful virus that I’ve now had two weeks and the kids starting school full-time I have been trying to find my MoJo – Meaning I lost my blogging MoJo for a moment.

I love routine but hate being tied down. I had thought I was going to do a back to school series on my YouTube channel. In the end I only managed 2 videos!

I have however felt better about my morning routine and things the past week in the house have touch wood gone pretty smoothly.image1-1

Now we are into a routine I am “starting work” on my blog & Youtube channel!

From now on I am going to be uploading a post on the 1st of each month detailing blog plans for that month.

So I know it’s a little late but here are my

September plans


  • Tuesday – Screen Free Tuesday – More on this in a later blog post
  • Friday – Cuppa of the week

Month Plans 

  • Monday 12th – Memories Leak From My Eyes – This post first Appeared on Meet Other Mums 
  • Thursday 15th – Whats in my Bag – Kirstie’s Handmade Fair edition
  • Monday 19th – Mums Day Off – Kirstie’s Handmade Fair
  • Wednesday 21st – Autumn is coming & I’m trying to Hygge
  • Thursday 22nd – Hotel Review – Holiday Inn Kingston
  • Thursday 29th – Blogon MSI
  • Friday 30th – September Review

So there it is  – My September plans for my blog. I may decide to chuck in a couple more depending on workload and my mood so don’t forget to follow me on wordpress bloglovin instagram and facebook to make sure you don’t miss out!

Join me next week for a chat over on my Youtube channel about my plans for that too.



Fitness Friday – Getting on track before 40 &  ECG results 

Last week I told you that i was off for a 24 hour ECG Monitor. The results came back that my heart is normal. I just have extra beats which most people have but don’t feel. As my anxity is high lately I am feeling more. 
The doctor did say it’s most common in athletes. – they do say stress & anxiety can put your body through the strains athletes go through. Without the benifits of being fit! 
she said if I was fitter it may decrease and I may see an improvement with my anxiety as excersize is a good way to beat some mental issues. 
Now. I’ve just been reading about getting fit and staying in shape when your 40. 
When we turn 40 our ability to lose weight decreases I turned 36 in July so the wrong side of my 30’s. 
I need to change my fitness levels and body shape before I turn 40 because if I’m finding it hard now chances are it will be even harder once 40 hits!  
So the kids are back at school next week and here is my plan! 
Some of the mums walk one morning a week. – I’m hopeing I can join them. 

Three times a week – I’m going to head to the gym for 30 mins in the gym and 30 mins in the pool. 

Meals will be planned so that takeouts and prossesd foods are limited. 

Get rid of my phone at bed time & in a morning. – Morning scrolling through social media can be replaced with yoga. 

Nighttime blogging can be replaced with meditation & sleep. – using phones before sleep affect the quality of sleep making you still feel tired when you wake. It decreases melatonin that our brain needs to sleep well & boost wellbeing. 

I’ll check back with you all in two weeks and let you know how I get on. 
