As I am packing for my camping trip with the girls I get to thinking about the WI and what it means to me.
I, together with three other friends, joined our local WI in the May of 2015. We joined after seeing it advertised in the local newsletter. When we arrived that first night we were welcomed with open arms and we soon felt comfortable with the other ladies. We are classed among our WI as “The Young Un’s”
That first meeting we really didn’t know what to expect and when we had gone through the ‘business” of that month I think we were even more confused. The “business” is generally a run through of last month’s meeting minutes, the secretary reading out any correspondence she feels we may be interested in, she often finds things that she deems too boring to read out but leaves everything out on the table for us to read anyway. (She is not afraid to tell us what she thinks).
Then there is a speaker or workshop – This can range from a talk from a charity about guide dogs to belly dancing for all abilities.
We had only been members for a couple of months when we spotted an “unofficial WI camp” Tea & Tents – It was to be held at a campsite not far from where we live so we jumped ummed and ahed at the prospect of spending 2 nights away from the children.
The camp was great – a mixture of all things WI, along with activities that most members have probably never heard of, Craft activities, yoga, even activities on site like swimming in the lake and tomahawk throwing. There was also an afternoon tea provided, scones with clotted cream and jam with a nice mug of tea to wash it down.

A year on from that, and I’m packing up for me second Tea & Tents camp and us “Young Un’s” are now part of the committee helping with the planning of the calendar for next year. We can even get through most of the ‘business’ (meeting) and know what’s going on!
I’m so not what you would think of as a WI member – I’m not the model housewife, I buy packet cake mixes, and my craft skills are still that of a 5-year-old, but do you know, what I fit in.
I fit in because although the WI is known for its craft competitions, baking and of course Jam Making – I like many other members, I love meeting new people, taking part in the activities and of course, the Tea & Tents!

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