School day adventures #ACEforSchool

Ever Wondered how your children’s uniform comes home looking like its been worn for 6 months without a wash?  Sick of unexplained stains every day? and I dont know about you but I can never seem to get to the bottom of our washing pile,


What chance do I have really with two sets of twins!

Anyway I did a little bit of digging at parents evening this week trying to find out what my kids get up to in a day to create so much washing!

I’ve devised a little mock timeline of what happens to my kids uniform in a day.

  • 9am – All children are sat in their seats and Register is taken.
  • 9.15am – Melody heads to Read write ink where all the children are doing some learning from the workbooks. –

Jake has maths this morning learning about fractions.

No stains up to now! Well you know other than the toothpaste that was dribbled down their tops before the school run!

  • 10.15am its break time – This Morning Melody opts for Toast, Jake is having a pizza slice.

Melody has used her dress as a napkin to wipe her hands. Jake wipes his mouth on his sleeve.

  • 10.30am – They all do some topic learning this term its all about fossils so today digging is involved in the learning.

Soil is splattered all over after they fight over who is using the tools. they wipe themselves down!

  • 12pm Lunch Time – Bolognese – What could possibly be better!

Both end up with sauce on their uniform. I’m not sure how they manage it.

Jake finishes lunch in record time and heads off to play football on the field with his friends.

Trying to score a goal Jake ends up on the floor getting grass and mud all over him.

Melody has other plans and heads off to an art club. But not before she has chocolate custard for pudding

Oh no Melody not chocolate – She drops it down her t-shirt

Then she forgets to roll up her sleeves so ends up with paint on the cuffs of her cardigan.

  • 1.15 Registration then Afternoon lessons – Today its PE for both

Yet another set of clothes to add to the never ending laundry mountain!

Both are running round the hall playing dodge ball – by the time they are done they both are ready for a shower with sweat dripping from them.

  • 3.30 Its finally home time – I arrive in the playground I spot my two among a sea of other suitably grubby school kids. I ask “my goodness what have you been doing all day to end up in that state?”



Time to put the washer on again.

How am I ever going to get these clean?

Well currently I’m trying out ACE Stain remover spray along with ACE for colours.

Click on the video to see my laundry routine using ACE stain remover and ACE for colours.

Leave your laundry tips below!

Right off to tackle another load!

Until next time.

Nina x

 “This post is an entry for the BritMums #ACEforSchool Challenge, sponsored by ACE. Get help for all kinds of stains with the ACE Stain Helper. or to buy head to your local Tesco’s, Morrison’s, Waitrose or Sainsbury’s.” 



  1. 18th October 2018 / 17:36

    This sounds like they have very full (and potentially messy fun) days!

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