Screen Free Weekends –

A couple of weeks ago my family and I stayed at Finca de arrieta In Lanzarote.

While we were there I shut down my phone and any form of tech, Other than my camera – I’m a blogger after all, I can’t very well not take pictures.

It was great spending the weekend “offline” I was able to connect better with my children, I wasn’t bothered by news, and I was able to take in the beautiful surroundings.

It seems we have become a society or even a world where having a phone or tablet in our hands is the norm. From sitting at home to passing time on a flight even while we are walking down the street Think Pokémon Go.


It’s not just the younger generation that is screen obsessed either – both my mum who can’t go half an hour with out her phone and my In-laws who’s house rules used to be no screens while you’re visiting – otherwise what’s the point of visiting. It’s a different story now however with candy crush being the game we play as a family replacing the old favorites like monopoly & snakes & ladders.

My mother in-law it seems has even started catching Pokémon


I am also screen obsessed Maybe even as far as addicted. I am often telling the children ‘just one more min while I scroll down my Instagram feed or message friends.

In a bid to gain back some control over the screens and give myself that feeling I had back at Finca de Arrieta, I am launching screen free weekends.

I know if I say no screens over the whole weekend we are bound to fail. So my plan is to limit our screen time throughout the weekend.




  1. 2nd August 2016 / 10:56

    A lovely idea for a linky.
    I’ll try to join in one week

    • 2nd August 2016 / 11:46

      Thanks I’ll look forward to you joining! x

    • 2nd August 2016 / 20:42

      Hopefully see you next week too! 😉 x

  2. 3rd August 2016 / 09:23

    What a fab idea for a linky – screen free time is a tough one

    • 3rd August 2016 / 09:26

      We don’t have to give it up the whole weekend but if we limit the time we can be more present. X

  3. 4th August 2016 / 08:12

    This is a great idea. I have stopped writing my weekend posts to try and have more balance but we all have our technology and it is so hard to stay away from them! x

    • 4th August 2016 / 08:19

      It’s a hard balance. I’m not sure how I’m going to do this weekend as hubby goes away. I tend to check his flight. Oh well. You’ll find out next week X

  4. 5th August 2016 / 12:48

    I honestly wish I could say I can do a whole weekend no phones or technology in general but unless I am glamping its highly unlikely. I do need to make an effort though

    • 5th August 2016 / 12:51

      No I know its hard cutting down is the key!

  5. 5th August 2016 / 15:16

    It’s a great idea to disconnect, we are addicted to screens! haha xx

  6. Michaela Britton
    6th August 2016 / 18:53

    It’s great isn’t it. We went to Liverpool a few days ago, and apart from my blogging photos and Instagram updates, we didn’t use our phones or the t.v. at all

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