18 Summers – Number 8!

Has anyone else seen the posts going around the internet about the fact that we only get 18 summers with our kids? I am on Summer number 8 already. Now, Although there are only 18 until they can legally abandon you it doesn’t mean they are forced to. Its our job to make sure we create enough good memories so that they want to still spend time with you during their adult years. I have been creating a summer bucket list and other holiday bucket lists for our school holidays for as long as I can remember. It helps so that we dont waste our time then at the end of the holidays we have lots of good memories to share.

Summer Bucket List

I find it so beneficial to create a bucket list for different seasons in our life and for the different holidays to make the most of our time together. Since starting my simple living journey I know how important it is to keep our schedule simple too.

Keep it simple

This year my bucket list is paired down so that we can have a slow summer holiday and enjoy every moment. I have broken our bucket list into 5 different sections.

In addition to our bucket list I plan on scaling down my workload so that I can focus more time on being present and less time scrolling through my instagram feed.

Summer 2109 Bucket list

Kids & Family

  • Swimming
  • Geocaching
  • Play Park
  • Sandcastle Building


  • Cornwall Road trip
  • Whitby
  • Maltby Weekend


  • Sea Swim
  • Lone Coffee
  • Yoga
  • Less time online

Couple Time

  • Cinema Date
  • London Evening


  • Campfire Marshmallows
  • BBQ
  • Pancakes
  • Seaside Fish ‘N’ Chips
  • Ice cream

This may look like a lengthy list however they are all simple little things that make great family memories. None of them involve lots of money or thought and some of them can be done with a little spontaneity.

Great Summer Memories

This is what makes a great summer for me. Getting up in a morning, deciding on the days plans while sat in bed cartoons on and a cuppa in hand.

I’d love to know whats on your family Summer bucket list?

Nina x


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