AWOL – September Blog Plans

Good Morning everyone,

I have to apologise that the past two weeks I have been Absent from my blog & Youtube channel .

What with this awful virus that I’ve now had two weeks and the kids starting school full-time I have been trying to find my MoJo – Meaning I lost my blogging MoJo for a moment.

I love routine but hate being tied down. I had thought I was going to do a back to school series on my YouTube channel. In the end I only managed 2 videos!

I have however felt better about my morning routine and things the past week in the house have touch wood gone pretty smoothly.image1-1

Now we are into a routine I am “starting work” on my blog & Youtube channel!

From now on I am going to be uploading a post on the 1st of each month detailing blog plans for that month.

So I know it’s a little late but here are my

September plans


  • Tuesday – Screen Free Tuesday – More on this in a later blog post
  • Friday – Cuppa of the week

Month Plans 

  • Monday 12th – Memories Leak From My Eyes – This post first Appeared on Meet Other Mums 
  • Thursday 15th – Whats in my Bag – Kirstie’s Handmade Fair edition
  • Monday 19th – Mums Day Off – Kirstie’s Handmade Fair
  • Wednesday 21st – Autumn is coming & I’m trying to Hygge
  • Thursday 22nd – Hotel Review – Holiday Inn Kingston
  • Thursday 29th – Blogon MSI
  • Friday 30th – September Review

So there it is  – My September plans for my blog. I may decide to chuck in a couple more depending on workload and my mood so don’t forget to follow me on wordpress bloglovin instagram and facebook to make sure you don’t miss out!

Join me next week for a chat over on my Youtube channel about my plans for that too.

