Odd Socks Day – Monday 12th November

When I was at school I had my fair share of name calling and bitchy comments directed at me.

I can’t say it was full blown bullying even though the names did make me really really sad.

However Bullying is something we are hearing more and more about.

40% of Children experience bullying each year.

Now I have children at school of my own I want to do as much as I can to keep them safe and happy and most importantly teach them to treat people as they want to be treated.

Bullying can affect mental health and can impact children right through their lives.

On Monday 12th November its Odd Socks Day


Its a chance to raise awareness of individuality, Show that being individual is a good thing!

Wear odd socks and  donate to the anti Bullying alliance.

Of course you dont have to donate simply wearing your odd socks to stamp out the stigma of individuality is enough

Is your child

The Anti Bullying Alliance has some top tips for Parents.

  • If your child is being bullied you should reassure them that you can work though this together and that its not their fault.
  • We should teach our Children that whatever the circumstances Bullying is never acceptable.
  • Being bullied doesn’t mean you should retaliate .
  • Taking part in activities that can build your child’s self esteem could be a great way to build confidence and make friends away from the place they are being bullied.




If you need any more information or advise head on over to The Anti Bulling Alliance 

Nina x
