My Precious Moments

Here is my top precious moments.

  1. I love having a snuggle in bed with my twins and then when they have fell asleep the feeling I get when I pick them up to move them and they put their arms around me tightly and snuggle in. Then I lay them in their own bed and they say Thank you Mummy I love you.
  2. Being lost in my children’s world even if only for the moment. Getting down to their level and playing with toys or doing some drawing. I totally forget the to do list and my worries and we just play. I follow their imagination and they help me regain mine! I just love it.IMG_8675
  3. I have recently joined you tube and one of the reasons is my stepson – Although we don’t have as many special moments we have found something that is a common ground for us! He is a teenager so often doesn’t interact with anyone let alone me! So If I ask him for help with something to do with cameras or YouTube related it often gives us a shared moment!
  4. Our twins are constantly growing up and witnessing a proud moment with my husband really connects us! It can be that Jake has been given an award at school or that Melody has just learnt to spell a couple of words. I Know I look at him and he looks at me with pride. Proud that we made those children together!
  5. Finally we have a brilliant group of friends that we only met after we had our children.. In this time we have shared  many moments together from us girls all going camping together to watching all four of our children playing together without squabbling!

These moments I’ve mentioned above often hit me by surprise and bring me to tears! Other times they don’t register until afterwards.

They are moments that build who we are as a family and moments that I hope my children will remember fondly.

They are definitely moments I want to treasure forever – Children don’t stay young for long and we have to make the most of these precious moments because before too long we won’t be able to pick up our sleeping child from our bed and I’m sure they won’t hug as tightly.

Nina x
