Dreaming of …..Converting an old bus

Converting an old bus and travelling around Britain & Europe. 

I’m not sure wether its due to lockdown or that I’ve started following people on Instagram & facebook that lives a “simpler life” but I’m constantly dreaming of buying an old bus and converting it for our family to travel & sleep in.

Here is an inspiration board of my ideas.

I love the idea of being able to lay in my bed and see a view like this

With four children we would need a lot of sleeping space  I love this idea!

So armed with my Pinterest board of ideas I now need to see if I can find a bus to convert!

I’m thinking we could take a year out to travel Europe!

I love the idea of living simply for a while, Living with less stuff, spending time together!

Visiting places on our bucket list, spending time at the beach, living more outdoors!

I’m not sure of the places we will visit. maybe I’ll need a new Pinterest boards for the actual road trip!

Why not head over to Pinterest and follow me.
Spencer’s ARC

