Saturday Night Dinner – Rustlers Burger Hack 5 Ways

As a busy mum of 4.5 and wife to a busy geek I’m always looking for ways to make delicious quick & easy meals for the family.

In the Spencer’s house it’s always time to feed someone.

I was asked by Britmums to see what meals we could come up with using the Rustlers Southern Fried Chicken Burger Twin Pack.

I headed to Tesco and piled my trolley with the Rustlers Southern Fried Chicken Burgers and lots of things to go with them in order to feed all of us.

I have gone one better. Well actually 4 better as I’ve managed to create a meal fit for everyone in our family (well those with teeth)

  1. For Spencer’s ARC daddy. We have the Quarter Pounder Big One. I teamed the Rustlers Southern Fried Chicken Burger with the Rustlers Flamed Grilled Quarter Pounder. Adding crispy iceberg lettuce, and sliced plum tomatoes. I used the cheese sauce that comes with the quarter pounder burger Served with curly fries. This really is the daddy of burgers.
  2. For me who is still trying to eat healthy and low-fat I made Chicken Strip Salad. I heated the chicken burger without the bun in the microwave and cut it into stripes. Which I placed on a bed of spinach with plum tomatoes and cucumber. Served with sweet potato fries and low-fat sour cream dip and low-fat coleslaw.
  3. Now for the kids. First Jake who loves a CBO from one of the fast food restaurants. So I made Spencer’s CBO. I fried some red onion and bacon and added this to the chicken burger along with a slice of pre sliced cheese. To serve I added the mustard mayo that comes with the Chicken Burger. Serving with a stack of steak chips and onion rings.
  4. For Melody I made Hunters Chicken. Using Chicken burger, grilled bacon topped with BBQ sauce and sliced melted cheese. Serving with corn on the cob, curly fries and the mustard mayo on the side to dip.
  5. Now for the Teen. Cam who loves his breakfasts, often isn’t awake before lunch time. So for him I made Breakfast Chicken Burger. Adding bacon, fried egg and mushrooms and topping with Brown sauce. Serving with grilled tomatoes and spring onions. (Not that he will eat any veg. You can but try, and if it looks good they are more likely to eat it) I also served this with Orange Juice for even more of a breakfast style dinner.

5 meals all gone for at least 3 fussy eaters.

These burgers are so easy to make they just take 90 seconds in the microwave. And at £2.50 in Tescos at the moment they are a totally affordable way to make meals times that bit easier in a busy household.

Why not head out now and try the Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge

Nina x

This post is an entry for BritMums ‘Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge’, sponsored by Rustlers

