Screen Free Tuesday (27.09.16) #Linky

Screen Free Bedtime!

Hello My name is Nina and I have an addiction – My iPhone

It’s the last thing I look at before I go to sleep and the first thing I look at when I wake up!

I have tried to give it up but hubby works away a lot and when he’s not working away he leaves early in a morning before my eyes are open normally  so I like to send him a message to let him know I love him and hope he has a good day!


Excuses Excuses!

So reasons why screens are not good at bedtime –

  • Screen time can limit sleep time – How many times have you been online and when you look up an hour or more has passed without you realising?
  • Screens emit Blue lights wich can stop melatonin from being produced – Melatonin is what makes us have a good nights sleep!
  • Being engaged in a screen activity can excite you – Your brain meaning even when you eventually put down the device your then to stimulated to fall asleep.

So with all this in mind what can we do to avoid the screen and get a better nights sleep?

  •  Switch off an hour or more before bed!
  • Put your device out of reach.
  • Use an alarm clock instead of your phone to wake you.
  • Try reading an actual book rather than a kindle at bedtime
  • Create a doubting for bed soon that routine will be come a habit – but a better one than picking up that device.
  • For children. – read a book with them. Or tell them a story. Sing a calming song, tell each other the good things about the day.

I hope you have found this post useful.

Is there anything you do at night that Stops you picking up the device?

Don’t forget to leave a comment and join in with the Linky

So New linky rules

  • Link up a blog post of your choice either how you have had screen free time over the past week, tips for screen free time or activities to do during screen free time.
  • Link will be live 8am Tuesday – 8pm the following Monday
  • Posts should be your own work.
  • Only one post per person please.
  • It’s only fair that we share the linky love by commenting on at least two other posts.
  • I will feature one blogger each week in my post so unplug those cables & let’s have some screen free time.

Share your posts on Twitter or Instagram using the #screenfreetuesdays  @readyforacuppa I will try to comment & retweet each one


