Feeling unwelcome at the library.

Last Monday Started badly, so to save ourselves from ourselves I headed to the library for somewhere safe and peaceful to go.

I started by getting a coffee cos you know coffee can help foul moods.

The kids picked books and I started feeding the babies one at a time while the kids took it in turns to read to me!

Not an easy task for Jake. He’s less confident a reader and gets tired quickly.

As I was listening to reading and feeding, a lady kept walking past where we were sitting. She kept giving us quite unwelcoming looks.

She came into the area at one point to rearrange some books.

Jake then said he needed a wee I confirmed with the lady that the toilets were down the corridor.

Yes she replied and quite snottily she snapped but he can’t go on his own.

I was feeding one baby with one other on the floor.

Melody had a pile of books out and we had a few toys scattered about.

So while Jake is jumping up and down due to needing a wee I packed us all back into the pushchair and headed down the corridor. When I arrived I couldn’t get in with the pushchair anyway and the door was locked. She failed to tell me this.

I may be being a little petty but I felt like she did not want us there from the start.

The disabled toilet and baby change was out of order.

Instead I decided to head out to the disabled public toilet across the road.

No. I’m not disabled. But sometimes it’s my only option.

I cried and cried that afternoon.

I felt like I was being judged for the kids not being at school.

Judged for having 4 children.

I really felt most unwelcome last Monday at the library.

*I went back to complain and the lovely ladies on the desk apologised for their coworker. They told me that they want families like ours using the facility and how sorry they were that I had felt that unwelcome that day.

They asked me to please return another day and try out the library again!

I will go back as the library is a great resource especially for home schooling.

Nina xx
