Happy Fathers Day!

Good Morning and Happy Fathers Day to all the daddies out there! 20160619_090904daddys day.jpg

Last Night My Hubby came back from a week of working away and although he came back jet lagged & groggy he still made time to make dens for the kids before bed! He still made time to ask me how I had been. He still made time to give out gifts from his week of traveling the USA & Canada! 999511_10151802244903828_1923311636_n

This morning he is having a sleep in!

So while he is sleeping in and the kids are playing in their rooms I thought I would take this time to say thanks for being our children’s daddy10505569_10152553459793828_6604749057464206252_n.972335_10151846278943828_151736935_n

Thanks for the times you made me a cuppa before rushing of to work while I fed our baby twins.

Thank you for all the dens you have built.

Thanks for all the times you have given up your shoulders. 1656272_10152812896198828_5544181405921626329_n


Thank you for the Sunday evenings that you spend watching films with the kids while I take a bath.IMG_5353

Thank you for being my calm!

Thank you for being you!

Thank you for making me realise what family is! We love you with all of our hearts.

Thank you daddy!

Nina x
