Dear Santa, I would like……. Gift Guide for a 30+ year old!

Dear Santa,

I think I have been good this year! You know its hard being a mum to twins twice so please give me a little leeway.

Here is my list of things I would love to receive under my tree.

  • Magazine Subscription – I love magazines I often have a read during the little twins nap time! Currently on my wish list is Country Living Magazine, Top Sante, and simple things.
  • Bath Caddy  – I keep seeing those instagram posts where people are in the bath with their wooden caddy holding their book and glass of wine! I have to make do with balancing mine on the side at the moment but I’d love to have a caddy for  my cuppa.
  • Canon G7X Mark 2– I really love my canon but its so heavy and not really practical for every day vlogging. At the moment I’m loving vlogging again. capturing memories and sharing them with others. the community that those vlogs then create. I just love it.
  • Spa/ Swimming membership – I keep saying I need to get fit, I really do need to but I have lacked motivation. I love swimming and loved going to the spa for a swim a few times a week but its so hard to fit it in with having two sets of twins and trying to run a house as well as trying to build up my business!
  • Iwatch, – As above I need to get fit I know a watch doesn’t mean I will get fit but I work well with goals to work to. My IWatch has well and truly died So I would like to update it and start following the daily goals of filling in the rings and walking 10000steps.
  • Family Portrait– I would love to get a cartoon style portrait of our family I want a physical one to hang in our playroom.

I dont think thats too many things on my list however I am aware there  are some quite big things.

And they will help me to be good all thorough next year hopefully!

Thank you Santa

Nina x
