Grateful Sunday #6

Welcome to week 6 of my weekly list of things I am grateful for or that are making me happy this week!

I’ve decided to start a daily gratitude list.


I have done it before both on my own and as a family – We would send our list to each other (Myself Hubby & Stepson) via our family messenger group! It really helped especially when hubby worked away and with stepson only being here at weekends anyway!

Gratitude lists or journals can really benefit your mental health. They help you focus on the good things of the day, give you 5 – 10 minutes of calm, and when you’re having a bad day you can look back and see all the good things you have written in the past!

To keep me accountable for writing out my list I will post a few of the top things I’ve been grateful for each week!

This week December has come which means there are loads to be grateful for the lights, the excitement of the children, the shopping and loads more.

Here are a few of my grateful moments this week.

My List for Sunday 3rd December 2017

  • A quiet day planning for exciting things in 2018
  • My dad fetching my Christmas Tree
  • I managed through the night feed & during the morning school run chaos on my own!
  • My Step Son coming over to help decorate the tree.
  • Our brilliant Dr for fitting little Miss J in for an appointment to give her the once over -No Chest infection Just a cold!
  • Family friends for getting Little Miss J & little Mister M their first tree ornament.
  • An hour just for me to get my eyebrows & lip waxed (Yep lip I’ve reached an age where it needs doing people) along with a massage & a sneaky coffee
  • A voucher for the above received from friends for my birthday but wasn’t able to use until now!
  • Volunteers from the lovely Chesterfield Canal Trust for giving up their time to run trips – We had a lovely time on the Santa trip. We even got to steer the boat!


The Chesterfield Canal runs for 46 miles. It is known as the most varied and beautiful waterways in England.

The canal runs through Nottinghamshire, South Yorkshire & Derbyshire.

The Chesterfield Canal Trust is run entirely by volunteers and they have restored 12 miles of the canal, including 37 locks, 11 bridges and developed two marinas.

To find out more including the various trips along the canal head over to their website. 

Don’t forget to leave a comment below with what your grateful for this week.

See you all next week.

Nina x

This post has not been sponsored all opinions are my own

I just have a keen interest in boats and the canal!
