Transition Day!

This morning I woke up full of excitement for my children. They have transition day. A day where they go up from nursery to the reception class they will be in come September.

I took them into school as usual and we did the morning activity as usual.

Then suddenly a wave of anxiety hit me and i could feel my eyes well up.

Whats wrong I though to myself, while I was trying to help J with his letter formations.


“They are growing up” I over heard one mum comment to another.

That’s it I thought they are growing up. I felt a little overwhelmed like the fact they are going to reception has just sneaked up on me!

My two know their new teacher and already feel comfortable with her. so I know they will be fine!

They have been doing full days at nursery for sometime to so I already know what to fill my time with.

It’s just the fact they are growing every single day. Sometimes  I see it, but sometimes it sneaks up on me like today.

Good Luck all to all the mums having transition days / weeks – Its hard knowing our children are growing up but you know we get to watch them grow and that’s an amazing gift!

