Screen Free Weekends- Crochet

Hi all,

I mentioned in my Fitness Friday post that  I missed last weeks post due as I was lone parenting and it I had a busy week, I do have a plan for scheduling so that i don’t miss weeks when “life happens”

Anyway back to Screen Free

Last weekend as hubby was away i still struggled with screen free all day – In fact the kids woke up and I let them have their tablets for a while!

However I have cut down screen time throughout the week –

I have replaced nighttime googling & Instagram surfing with a new hobby

I bought some wool and and a crochet hook and I tried my hand at crochet again!


I’m not great at it and the bit I’ve done as a wonky edge – But my plan is to have a blanket for winter

Though it has stopped me from picking up my phone as much at night!

So back to the weekend! 

After we had put down the tablets we headed out for breakfast! then off to grandmas and did a bit of blackberrying.

Sunday Daddy was home and we just had a lazy day.

Check out next week to see how we get on with the next Screen Free Weekend!

What did you get up  to over the weekend? have you wrote a Screen Free Post on your blog

Link up down below and be sure to use the #screenfreeweekends

So linky rules
Each Monday evening I will post how we were screen free over the weekend

  • Linky will be live from Monday evening to Friday morning.
  • Posts should be your own work.
  • Only one post per person please.
  • It’s only fair that we share the linky love by commenting on at least two other posts.
  • I will feature one blogger each week in my post so unplug those cables & let’s have some screen free time.

Share your posts on Twitter or Instagram using the #screenfreeweekends @readyforacuppa I will try to comment & retweet each one



