Ready For A Cuppa Review -River Hut Surbiton

I arrived at Surbiton Station last week for my day at the Handmade fair and decided as it was a nice day I would walk to the Hotel.

When the Holiday Inn was in sight I spotted Thames Ditton Marina. There was a little cafe / Bar on the side of the Marina it looked busy and quite contemporary – I decided that’s where I was going to have dinner that night!


Hubby finished work in central London and met me at the hotel. Then we headed out for Dinner.

We sat outside as it was a nice night!


Right on the riverside watching boats sail past.


We ordered dinner the staff spoke to us like we were friends, such a lovely vibe. I could have almost believed I was on holiday somewhere abroad.

SAMSUNG CSCWe ordered dinner and vowed we would go back the next day!

So now to my cuppa –

After my day at The Handmade Fair all I wanted was a cuppa! so we headed back to The River Hut!

It seemed there was a private party on and all the tables inside were reserved! One of the ladies who we had met the night before greeted us at the door. She asked if we had reserved and when we said no she said oh were booked up inside but you’re welcome to sit outside on the deck!

I really only wanted a cuppa so we ordered our tea & coffee and decided that we would also sample some cake.

We got talking to the lady who asked us where we had come from and what we were doing in London.20160916_193952 10.37.29.jpg

Then me and hubby sat with our cuppa’s and cake discussing the day and listening to some sea scouts rowing in the dark on the river.


It felt like such a great place to have a bite to eat and the deserts were amazing!

I’m told this cafe is now permanently closed which is a shame as it had such a lovely vibe.

I have not been compensated for this post and all opinions are my own.

Nina x
