Dreaming of …….. Owning A Hot Tub.

I love the feeling of being in water. I think its something to do with me being a fire sign. It sort of calms me down.

It could be swimming, paddling in the sea, having a bath, lazing in a hot tub or even just a simple shower.

Although, I’ve never really been one for hot baths – you know the baths that make you look like a lobster when you get out. So hot tubs had never really been my thing until recently.


We went on a mini break to the forest and stayed in a log cabin with a hot tub.

It was amazing to sit in the heat while all around was freezing cold. Listening to the birds. watching the nature in the trees, truly relaxing.

Since then we have been on a longer weekend break to Bainland staying in a safari tent with two hot tubs.

Since then I have been taking advantage of the hot tub at my local spa after Ive done my swim a few times a week.

It is so relaxing to sit with no bubbles and just listen to nature around you.

I’ve been thinking about us getting our own hot tub in the garden.

It wouldn’t be surrounded by trees as much as those in the forest but there is still nature about and I think it could still be quite relaxing even with the kids about!

Our garden is so much better now we’ve put a little more love into it and I think a hot tub is just what it needs to finish it off.

Now I better be of to write it in to our budget!


Nina xxx


