A morning exploring Clumber Park National Trust With A Little Drop In The Ocean #Gifted

Yesterday myself and the littlest twins headed out to Clumber Park National Trust for the morning!

We left just after I had dropped the big two at holiday club.

Getting there early meant the car parks were fairly empty and there wasn’t many people around.

The babies were able to crawl around for a while.

We played ball and they played with rocks

They had an amazing time exploring the old caravan.

They learnt about old-fashioned games such as skittles – Though I’m not sure they really got the hang of it!

Next We headed to the play park. Jessica loved the swing Mason was more happy playing hidey boo on the play house!

All that playing and exploring must have worked up an appetite so they had a little snack.

We ended our morning with a visit to the cafe for a cuppa and a snack.


We had a fab morning at Clumber. I think when the big kids return to school it could become a bit of a routine every so often.

It such a lovely place to spend a couple of hours or even the day!

At the end of the day our feet were mucky, hair messy and eyes sparkling

So that’s how you know we all had a good day!


The twins are wearing their new outfits from A little Drop In The Ocean 

We as a family are ambassadors for this fabulous little company!

Their clothing really stands up to the daily tests from my little adventurers.

Nina x




This post was not sponsored however some clothing was donated!

Any sponsored, gifted or review content is only accepted by me if it fits with our family ethos and all thoughts will always be my own.
