Wicked Wednesday – 2 minute silence??

On Sunday we had M’s first remembrance parade with rainbows. 

The parade went well it was cold but the sun was shining. 

Afterwards there was a church service we all went to. Both J & M were very well behaved. 

However when we went outside for the placing of the poppies and the 2 minutes silence things changed. 

J asked what we were doing after. I had promised to take them for hot chocolate. 

He asked if he could take his iPad. 

When I said no he put up a fight. 

He cried and shouted “I want my IPad” the church bells stopped ringing 11am and everyone around us had bowed heads. 

OMG it’s 2 minutes silence. 

J was still screaming about his IPad. 

I ended up walking him out of the church yard and up the street. 

I was so cross with him! 🙁 

We ended up postponing hot Chocolate. 

Why is it they kick off at the worst moments. 

Joining in with Brummy Mummy of 2’s #wickedwednesday 
